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The increasingly widespread growth of information technology causes changes in the supply, distribution and processing of information that combines conventional technology with computer technology. Transform in information technology is felt to be beneficial for the wider community, because of performance in access information quickly. Through the internet network, people can access information through various devices equipped with internet networks. The smooth flow of information on new media with direct feedback capabilities and the presence of interactive make the community, especially the younger generation, increasingly switch and like the new digital media. The transition to the use of new media with internet-based influences the culture of the community in obtaining information. It is inevitable that people will start leaving conventional media, which will impact the performance and strategies of conventional media such as television media with their organizations and businesses. Therefore Kompas TV by seeing the rapid growth of technology, and how to stay afloat in the era of globalization, has digital platform. At the beginning of March 2020, a Covid-19 pandemic outbreak occurred, which affected the operations of broadcasters, forcing people to work from home. This condition automatically affects the operational, strategy and content of Kompas TV. This study uses case study method with a constructivist paradigm with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, document studies, and literature studies. The results showed Kompas TV through its digital platform in the form of websites, YouTube channels, and social media Instragram, Twiitter and Facebook, during the Covid-19 pandemic through POAC management strategies, has increase in the number of viewers, users and engagement. As well as Kompas TV digital platform through website and YouTube most popular in news and entertainment content. The result of the study also revealed that the concept of strategy carried out on Kompas TV can be used as a model for television in Indonesia in order to sustain business in times of crisis. Keywords: Strategy, broadcast management, Indonesia television station, pandemic, qualitative research. Semakin maraknya pertumbuhan teknologi informatika menyebabkan perubahan dalam penyediaan, distribusi, proses informasi yang menggabungkan teknologi konvensional dengan teknologi komputer. Transformasi teknologi informasi dirasakan menguntungkan bagi masyarakat luas, dikarenakan dalm mengakses informasi secara cepat. Melalui jaringan internet, masyarakat dapat mengakses informasi melalui berbagai perangkat yang dilengkapi jaringan internet. Kelancaran arus informasi di media baru dengan kemampuan umpan balik langsung dan hadirnya interaktif membuat masyarakat khususnya generasi muda semakin beralih dan menyukai media digital baru. Peralihan penggunaan media baru berbasis internet mempengaruhi budaya masyarakat dalam memperoleh informasi. Tidak dapat dipungkiri masyarakat akan mulai meninggalkan media konvensional, yang akan berdampak pada kinerja dan strategi media konvensional seperti media televisi dengan organisasi dan bisnisnya. Oleh karena itu Kompas TV dengan melihat pesatnya perkembangan teknologi, dan bagaimana tetap bertahan di era globalisasi, memiliki platform digital. Pada awal Maret 2020, terjadi wabah pandemi Covid-19 yang berdampak pada operasional lembaga penyiaran sehingga memaksa masyarakat untuk bekerja dari rumah. Kondisi ini otomatis mempengaruhi operasional, strategi dan konten Kompas TV. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi kasus dengan paradigma konstruktivis dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, studi dokumen, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Kompas TV melalui platform digitalnya berupa website, channel YouTube, dan media sosial Instragram, Twitter dan Facebook, di masa pandemi Covid-19 melalui strategi pengelolaan POAC, mengalami peningkatan jumlah penonton, pengguna, dan engagement. Serta platform digital Kompas TV melalui website dan YouTube terpopuler dalam konten berita dan hiburan. Hasil penelitian juga mengungkapkan bahwa konsep strategi yang dilakukan di Kompas TV dapat dijadikan sebagai model bagi televisi di Indonesia dalam rangka mempertahankan bisnis di saat krisis. Kata kunci: Strategi, manajemen siaran, stasiun televisi Indonesia, pandemi, penelitian kualitatif.
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