SULTHON, AHMAD (2021) ROMANTISME MISTIS SEBAGAI KOMODIFIKASI SINKRETISME DI TELEVISI (Analisis Wacana Kritis Norman Fairclough Terhadap Acara “Menembus Mata Bathin” Di Antv). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
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Mystical television program is one of the mainstays of the private television industry to generate revenue through advertisements, including by ANTV through its "Menembus Mata Bathin" program. This research is qualitative in nature, using Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis, with three dimensions: text, discourse practice, and socio-cultural discourse. The theories used are: 1. Clifford Geertz's Mystical Belief Theory. 2. Karin & Robert Sternberg's Love Triangle Theory. 3. Vincent Mosco's Commodification Theory. 4. Antonio Gramsci's Theory of Hegemony. 5. Norman Fairclough's Critical Discourse Analysis Theory. The results of the analysis, literature study, observation, and interviews, it is found that: 1. The romantism of mysticism can be fulfilled through the "Menembus Mata Bathin" program. 2. Mystical television program is represented as something positive so that it attracts the audience. 3. To produce a mystical program that attracts the audience, commodification is carried out. 4. The purpose behind the commodification is to generate cash profits for the owners of the media and the/ owners of capital. 5. As part of a capitalistic economic system, ANTV relies heavily on the audience market and the advertising market. Keywords: romanticism, mystical, commodification, political economy of media, critical discourse analysis Program acara mistik merupakan salah satu andalan industri televisi swasta untuk menghasilkan keuntungan uang melalui iklan, termasuk oleh ANTV melalui program “Menembus Mata Bathin”. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif, menggunakan Analisis Wacana Kritis Norman Fairclough, dengan tiga dimensinya: teks, praktik wacana, dan wacana sosial-budaya. Teori-teori yang digunakan: 1. Teori Kepercayaan Mistik Clifford Geertz. 2. Teori Segitiga Cinta Karin & Robert Sternberg. 3. Teori Komodifikasi Vincent Mosco. 4. Teori Hegemoni Antonio Gramsci. 5. Teori Analisis Wacana Kritis Norman Fairclough. Hasil analisis, studi pustaka, observasi, dan wawancara ditemukan: 1. Romantisme khayalak terhadap mistik bisa dipenuhi melalui program “Menembus Mata Bathin”. 2. Program mistik di televisi direpresentasikan sebagai sesuatu yang serba positif sehingga menarik khalayak penonton. 3. Untuk menghasilkan program mistik yang menarik penonton dilakukan komodifikasi. 4. Tujuan di balik komodifikasi adalah menghasilkan keuntungan uang bagi pemilik media dan pemilik modal. 5. Sebagai bagian dari sistem ekonomi kapitalistik, ANTV sangat bergantung pada pasar penonton dan pasar iklan. Kata kunci: romantisme, mistik, komodifikasi, ekonomi politik media, analisis wacana kritis
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