SAPUTRA, MUHAMMAD ONGKI (2019) PERANCANGAN BOARD GAME MONOMERCE. S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
1_HALAMAN JUDUL.pdf Download (33kB) | Preview |
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3-Surat Pernyataan.pdf Download (76kB) | Preview |
4-Lembar Pengesahan.pdf Download (105kB) | Preview |
5-Kata Pengantar.pdf Download (63kB) | Preview |
6_Daftar Isi.pdf Download (209kB) | Preview |
7_Daftar Table.pdf Download (127kB) | Preview |
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The development of the era to a modern direction today changed the mindset of many people, especially the millennial generation who lived in this time. This has many positive impacts, E-Commerce is one of the fairly developed concepts in the field of information technology. The concept of E-Commerce provides many conveniences and advantages when compared to conventional shopping concepts, including all information desired by consumers can be accessed in more detail, quickly without being limited to place and time. E-Commerce in Indonesia is very rapidly developing, there are so many websites E-Commerce websites that have sprung up from selling in the fields of fashion, electronics, household appliances to selling goods. The author observes that there are many users who do not know much about E-Commerce even though they only know a few E-Commerce in Indonesia, the authors see the need to provide a brief education about what ECommerce is through monopoly game boards. The final product "Board Game Monopoly E-Commerce" was created as a solution for users who want to know more about E-Commerce such as types, brand names E-Commerce and products - products that are sold, in a fun way. The author makes this product aims to educate users about E-Commerce in a fun way. Keywords: Board game, monopoly, e-commerce, education, fun Perkembangan zaman ke arah yang lebih modern saat ini banyak mengubah pola pikir masyarakat, terutama generasi milenial yang hidup pada masanya. Hal ini banyak memberi dampak positif. E-Commerce merupakan salah satu konsep yang cukup berkembang dalam bidang teknologi informasi. Konsep E-Commerce memberikan banyak kemudahan dan kelebihan jika dibandingkan dengan konsep belanja konvesional, diantaranya semua informasi yang diinginkan konsumen dapat diakses lebih detail, cepat tanpa dibatasi tempat dan waktu. E-Commerce di Indonesia sangat berkembang pesat banyak sekali website – website E-Commerce yang bermunculan mulai dari berjualan di bidang fashion, elektronik, alat-alat kebutuhan rumah tangga hingga menjual jasa pengiriman barang. Penulis mengamati banyaknya pengguna yang tidak mengetahui banyak tentang E-Commerce bahkan merekan pun hanya mengetahui beberapa ECommerce saja di Indonesia, penulis melihat adanya kebutuhan untuk memberikan edukasi singkat tentang apa itu E-Commerce melalui board game monopoli. Produk tugas akhir “Board Game Monopoly E-Commerce” ini dibuat sebagai solusi bagi pengguna yang ingin mengetahui lebih banyak tentang ECommerce seperti jenis, nama brand E-Commerce serta produk – produk yang dijual, dengan cara menyenangkan. Penulis membuat produk ini bertujuan untuk mengedukasi pengguna tentang E-Commerce dengan cara menyenangkan. Kata kunci: Board game, monopoly, e-commerce, edukasi, menyenangka
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