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One of the flagship programs of the Trans 7 television station at the moment is the report sir program. During the Covid-19 pandemic era which hit Indonesian society, Trans 7 bravely presented a talk show with a humorous concept which premiered in 2021, making the comedy show Report Sir loved by many people. The report sir program has challenges, namely the presence of the new media era such as YouTube, Instagram and Tiktok. The Covid-19 pandemic also became a big challenge for the report sir program because there were several crew members who were exposed to Covid-19, so the report sir program wasnot broadcast for several Sunday. The objectives of this thesis are first to analyze and examine the communication strategies of content creators in maintaining the existence of the Report Pak program, then second to analyze and examine the supporting and inhibiting factors of content creators in maintaining their existence amidst the Covid19 pandemic. Content creators, in carrying out their responsibilities, carry out the four basic functions of communication management according to George R. Terry, which states the management functions of planning, organizing, actuating, and controlling. This study uses a constructivist paradigm with a case study method with data collection techniques in the form of interviews, observations, document studies, and literature studies. The research results show that the Lapor Pak Program can maintain its existence by using the POAC strategy, namely Planning, Organizing, Actuating, and Controlling. The supporting factor for the Lapor Pak program in maintaining its existence is the strong chemistry between the players, each player in Lapor Pak has its own comedic character so that the comedy message can be conveyed well, while the inhibiting factor for the Lapor Pak Program is the implementation of the PPKM policy by the government so that it creates the report sir program did not air for several days. Keywords: Event Program, Report Pak, Comedy, Existence Salah Satu program unggulan stasiun televisi Trans 7 saat ini adalah program acara lapor pak. Saat era pandemi Covid-19 yang sempat melanda masyarakat Indonesia, Trans 7 dengan berani menghadirkan talkshow berkonsep humor yang tayang perdana pada tahun 2021, menjadikan acara komedi lapor pak digandrungi banyak orang. Program lapor pak memiliki tantangan yakni hadirnya era media baru seperti Youtube, Instagram, dan Tiktok, Pandemi Covid-19 juga sempat menjadi tantangan besar bagi program lapor pak karena terdapat beberapa kru yang terpapar Covid-19, sehingga program lapor pak sempat tidak tayang selama beberapa minggu. Tujuan tesis ini yang pertama mengenalisis dan mengkaji strategi komunikasi konten kreator dalam mempertahankan eksistensi program acara lapor pak, lalu yang kedua menganalisis dan mengkaji faktor pendukung dan penghambat konten kreator dalam mempertahankan eksistensinya di tengan pandemi covid-19. Konten kreator dalam melaksanakan tanggung jawabnya melaksanakan empat fungsidasar manajemen komunikasi menurut George R. Terry yang menyatakan fungsi manajemen planning, organizing, actuating, dan controlling. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivis metode studi kasus dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi, studi dokumen, dan studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Program Lapor Pak dapat mempertahankan eksistensinya dengan menggunakan strategi POAC yakni Planning, Organizing, Actuating, dan Controlling. Adapun yang menjadi faktor pendukung program Lapor Pak dalam mempertahankan eksistensinya adalah chemistry yang kuat antar para pemain, setiap pemain dalam Lapor Pak memiliki karakter komedi tersendiri sehingga pesan komedi dapat tersampaikan dengan baik, sedangkan faktor penghambat Program Lapor Pak adalah penerapan kebijakan PPKM oleh pemerintah sehingga membuat program acara lapor pak tidak tayang selama beberapa hari. Kata kunci: Program Acara, Lapor Pak, Komedi, Eksistensi
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