OPINI KHALAYAK TERKAIT INFORMASI VIRUS CORONA DI MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM (Studi Analisis Resepsi Mengenai Opini Pada Followers Instagram @Kemenkes_RI Periode Maret – Juni Tahun 2020)

ANGGRAINI, ELVIA (2020) OPINI KHALAYAK TERKAIT INFORMASI VIRUS CORONA DI MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM (Studi Analisis Resepsi Mengenai Opini Pada Followers Instagram @Kemenkes_RI Periode Maret – Juni Tahun 2020). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.

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This research is entitled KHALAYAK OPINION RELATED TO CORONA VIRUS INFORMATION IN INSTAGRAM SOCIAL MEDIA (Study of Reception Analysis Concerning Opinions on Instagram Followers of @Kemenkes_RI Period March - June 2020). Researchers want to know the opinions of the audience from the followers of the social media Instagram account @kemenkes_ri. The subtheme that is taken is leaning towards developing followers' opinions regarding the corona virus information on Instagram social media. The search for references in research is carried out for the purpose of fulfilling the completeness of the research so that the researcher is able to analyze the data he gets later. Such as regarding public opinion, Instagram, social media, and many more. This study uses a constructivism paradigm. And reception analysis research methods. Reception analysis is a pattern of opinion that develops in society or is called the opinion of a growing audience so that the message from a communicator and communicant is called the message construct. Based on the results of this study, it contains interview data between researchers and respondents. With the theory from Stuart Hall, which identifies three meanings that occur by audiences to the media. Dominant Position, Negotiated Position, and Oposition Position. Keywords: Reception Analysis, Audience Opinion, Instagram Penelitian ini berjudul OPINI KHALAYAK TERKAIT INFORMASI VIRUS CORONA DI MEDIA SOSIAL INSTAGRAM (Studi Analisis Resepsi Mengenai Opini Pada Followers Instagram @Kemenkes_RI Periode Maret – Juni Tahun 2020). Peneliti ingin mengetahui opini khalayak dari followers akun media sosial instagram @kemenkes_ri. Subtema yang diambil condrong kearah pengembangan opini followers terkait informasi virus corona di media sosial instagram. Pencarian refrensi pada penelitian dilakukan untuk tujuan memenuhi kelengkapan penelitian sehingga peneliti mampu menganalisa data yang didapatnya nanti. Seperti mengenai opini khalayak, instagram, media sosial, dan masih banyak lagi. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme. Dan metode penelitian analisis resepsi. Analisis resepsi ialah pola opini yang berkembang di masyarakat atau disebut dengan pendapat khalayak yang berkembang sehingga pesan yang ada dari suatu komunikator dan komunikan yang disebut dengan istilah konstruk pesan. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian ini berisikan data wawancara antara peneliti dengan responden. Dengan teori dari Stuart Hall yang mengindentifikasikan tiga pemaknaan yang terjadi oleh khalayak terhadap media. Dominan Position, Negotiated Position, dan Oposition Position. Kata kunci : Analisis Resepsi, Opini Khalayak, Instagram

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 44216010176
Uncontrolled Keywords: Analisis Resepsi, Opini Khalayak, Instagram
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 070 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1-070.9 Standard Subdivisions of Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Subdivisi Standar Dari Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita > 070.19 Broadcast Media/Media Broadcast
300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi
300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi > 302.23 Media (Means of Communication)/Media (Sarana Komunikasi)
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi > Hubungan Masyarakat
Depositing User: Dede Muksin Lubis
Date Deposited: 29 Sep 2023 08:00
Last Modified: 29 Sep 2023 08:00
URI: http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/81681

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