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The making of this drone workshop is very influential for the advancement of audiences who want to learn about drone pilots. From the survey results we obtained when we were observing, students, especially in the field of broadcasting studies, did not yet have a class course that taught shooting techniques using drones. This workshop activity was carried out by the Audience, so that provision is needed regarding the industrial world, especially in the field of Broadcasting so that they can be better prepared and already have basic skills. Basically, the Final Concern for the Country (TAPN) is the author's and team's method for obtaining undergraduate studies at Mercu Buana University. Overall the activities of the Caring for the Nation Final Assignment workshop with the theme "The Importance of the Role of Drone Mentors in Drone Operations" took place to the fullest, were held into two sessions that were packaged differently, on this occasion the author had the opportunity to become a mentor in this activity, where the mentor becomes a role very important for an event to take place. Enormous enthusiasm from the public had a very positive effect on the success of the workshop, the first session related to the presentation given by reliable speakers who were presented at the workshop, presentation of the material provided such as introductions regarding drones. Keywords: Drones; Workshops; Skil Pembuatan workshop drone ini sangat berpengaruh untuk kemajuan khalayak yang ingin belajar mengenai pilot drone, Dari hasil survey yang di dapat pada saat kami melakukan observasi, mahasiswa khususnya pada bidang studi broadcasting belum memiliki matakuliah kelas yang mengajarkan teknik pengambilan gambar menggunakan drone, kegiatan workshop ini dilakukan oleh Khalayak, sehingga dibutuhkan pembekalan mengenai dunia industri terutama pada bidang Broadcasting agar mereka dapat lebih siap serta sudah memiliki kemampuan dasar. Pada dasarnya Tugas Akhir Peduli Negeri (TAPN) menjadi metode penulis dan tim untuk mendapatkan studi Strata-1 di Universitas Mercu Buana. Secara keseluruhan kegiatan Tugas Akhir Peduli Negeri workshop yang bertemakan “Pentingnya Peran Mentor Drone Dalam Pengoperasian Drone” berlangsung dengan maksimal, diadakan menjadi dua sesi yang dikemas berbeda, pada kesempatana kali ini penulis berkesempatan menjadi seorang mentor dalam kegiatan kali ini, dimana mentor menjadi suatu peran yang sangat penting untuk berlangsungnya suatu acara. Antusias yang sangat besar dari khalayak sangat berpengaruh positif bagi keberlangsungan jalanya acara workshop tersebut, sesi pertama terkait pemaparan yang diberikan oleh para narasumber handal yang dihadirkan di workshop tersebut, pemaparan materi yang diberikan seperti perkenalan terkait drone. Kata Kunci : Drone; Workshop; Keahlian
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