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MRT operates three operational regions, each of which has a leader or is called a Station Master. As a leader, each Station Master is given the freedom to manage the region which is their responsibility with their own creativity but still adheres to the applicable SOP. This freedom provides ample space for station masters to provide the best service for MRT customers. However, this freedom then also gives room to the performance gap between one station and another. This study aims to reveal how employee relations provides different performance results from one region to another. The research was conducted based on the concept of Cees Van Riel's corporate communication concept which divides corporate communication into 3 parts, Chester Irving Barnard's transitional theory which provides a perspective on human aspects in organizations and the concept of employee relations by Rosady Ruslan which describes the points of activity carried out in the strategy. employee relations is the theoretical basis of this research. The research was conducted using a case study method by adhering to the Robert Stake (1995) case study model in the MRT regional 1,2 and 3 environments. The research found that the performance gap was caused by factors related to human and communication aspects. Employee relations contribute to improved performance through a number of conditions. In order to improve performance in general, employee relations can be an alternative to be applied more broadly in the MRT environment. Based on these findings, the authors suggest that MRT increases the intensity of employee relations activities in all MRT regions, as well as holding a comparative study between regions so that performance increases evenly. Keywords: employee relations, performance,sop MRT mengoperasikan tiga region operasional yang mana masing masing memiliki seorang pemimpin atau disebut Station Master. Sebagai pemimpin, masing masing Station Master diberikan kebebasan untuk mengelola regional yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya dengan kreatifitas mereka masing masing namun tetap berpegangan pada SOP yang berlaku. Kebebasan ini memberikan ruang yang luas untuk para station master untuk memberikan layanan yang terbaik bagi pelanggan MRT. Namun kebebasan ini kemudian juga memberikan ruang kepada kesenjangan performa antara satu stasiun dengan stasiun lainnya. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan bagaimana employee relations memberikan hasil yang kinerja yang berbeda antara satu regional dengan regional lainnya. Penelitian dilakukan dengan didasarkan dari konsep konsep komunikasi korporat Cees Van Riel yang membagi komunikasi korporat menjadi 3 bagian, teori transisional Chester Irving Barnard yang memberikan sudut pandang tentang aspek kemanusiaan dalam organisasi dan konsep employee relation oleh Rosady Ruslan yang memaparkan poin poin aktivitas yang dilakukan dalam strategi employee relations menjadi dasar teoritis penelitian ini. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode study kasus dengan berpegang pada model study kasus Robert Stake (1995) di lingkungan MRT regional 1,2 dan 3. Penelitian mendapati hasil bahwa kesenjangan performa tersebut disebabkan oleh faktor faktor yang menyangkut aspek kemanusiaan dan komunikasi. Employee relations berkontribusi pada peningkatan performa melalui beberapa kondisi. dalam rangka upaya peningkatan kinerja secara umum, employee relations dapat menjadi alternatif untuk diterapkan lebih luas di lingkungan MRT. Berdasarkan temuan tersebut peneliti menyarankan agar MRT meningkatkan intensitas aktivitias employee relations di seluruh regional MRT, serta mengadakan study banding antar regional agar performa meningkat secara merata. Kata kunci : employee relations, kinerja,sop

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55218120049
Uncontrolled Keywords: employee relations, kinerja,sop
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 070 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1-070.9 Standard Subdivisions of Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Subdivisi Standar Dari Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita > 070.17 Print Media/Media Cetak
000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 070 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1-070.9 Standard Subdivisions of Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Subdivisi Standar Dari Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita > 070.19 Broadcast Media/Media Broadcast
300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi > 302.23 Media (Means of Communication)/Media (Sarana Komunikasi)
300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi > 302.23 Media (Means of Communication)/Media (Sarana Komunikasi) > 302.232 Print Media/Media Tercetak
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Dede Muksin Lubis
Date Deposited: 09 Feb 2022 05:43
Last Modified: 16 Jul 2024 04:38

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