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Wedding Organizer (WO) "Griya Rias Sayyidah" is a brand that includes businesses providing special services regarding wedding events. This brand has been established since 2012 and is located in Tangerang City. The WO brand "Griya Rias Sayyidah" already has a visual identity in the form of a logo, but the WO business owner revealed that there are shortcomings and concerns about the visual identity they currently have for use in the future. The logo of WO "Griya Rias Sayyidah" does not yet have and depict a strong business character and image, so the phenomenon of widespread business dissemination via social media has made WO "Griya Rias Sayyidah" decide to rebrand their visual identity in order to welcome business continuity and be able to compete with other businesses. similar. This visual identity redesign went through a series of processes starting from data collection, theoretical studies, to the business identity visualization process. The visualization stage itself is carried out digitally and in print, consisting of a logo, graphic standard manual (GSM), business colors and typography, as well as other supporting print media such as in redesigning the visual identity of the WO business "Griya Rias Sayyidah" which has carried out a design test stage in "The Creative Lens" exhibition will be held on 22-23 June 2024, located at Benteng Stadium, Tangerang City. Collecting data from the design test using a questionnaire distributed to the target audience produces additional data that will be processed for evaluation in the design test that has been carried out. Keywords: Rebranding, visual identity design, Griya Rias Sayyidah Wedding Organizer (WO) “Griya Rias Sayyidah” merupakan brand yang mencakup usaha penyedia jasa khusus menyangkut acara pernikahan. Brand ini telah berdiri sejak tahun 2012 dan berlokasi di Kota Tangerang. Brand WO “Griya Rias Sayyidah” telah memiliki identitas visual berupa logo, namun sang pemilik usaha WO tersebut mengungkapkan bahwa adanya kekurangan dan kekhawatiran pada identitas visual yang mereka miliki saat ini untuk digunakan di masa yang akan datang. Logo WO “Griya Rias Sayyidah” belum memiliki dan menggambarkan karakter serta citra usaha yang kuat, sehingga fenomena maraknya penyebarluasan usaha melalui media sosial, membuat WO “Griya Rias Sayyidah” memutuskan untuk melalukan rebranding identitas visual mereka guna menyongsong keberlangsungan usaha dan dapat bersaing dengan usaha serupa. Perancangan ulang identitas visual ini melalui serangkaian proses mulai dari pengumpulan data, studi teoritis, hingga pada proses visualisasi identitas usaha. Tahap visualisasi sendiri dilakukan secara digital dan cetak yang terdiri dari logo, graphic standard manual (GSM), warna dan tipografi usaha, serta media cetak pendukung lainnya seperti Pada perancangan ulang idetitas visual usaha WO “Griya Rias Sayyidah” ini telah melakukan tahap uji desain dalam pameran “The Creative Lens” yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22-23 Juni 2024 yang berlokasi di Stadion Benteng, Kota Tangerang. Pengumpulan data dari uji desain tersebut menggunakan kuisioner yang disebarkan pada target audiens menghasilkan data tambahan yang akan diolah guna evaluasi dalam uji d6esain yang telah dilakukan. Kata kunci: Rebranding, Perancangan identitas visual, Griya Rias Sayyidah
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