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Nowadays the hotel business sector is experiencing rapid development. The increasingly fierce competition in the hotel business requires every business player to make various efforts in order to build a strong image to create interest in potential customers. A public relations program is needed to improve the image and increase the attractiveness of customers who stay overnight. This research seeks to find out the implementation of the Amaryllis Boutique Resort Public Relations Program in improving the image of the Luxury Mountain Boutique Resort. The research paradigm used in this research is constructivist with a qualitative descriptive approach. The research subjects were conducted with 2 key informants consisting of PR & Marcomm Manager and Front Office Manager of Amaryllis Boutique Resort as well as 4 informants consisting of receptionists and repeater guests of Amaryllis Boutique Resort by conducting interviews and document studies. The results of this research indicate that Amaryllis Boutique Resort implements a communication program referring to the PENCILS Public Relations theory (Publications, Events, News, Community Involvement, Inform of Image, Lobbying and negotiation, Social Investment). Amaryllis Boutique Resort makes more use of digital media as a means of publication. Apart from that, holding regular events, establishing good relations with stakeholders, conducting negotiations and also carrying out social responsibility to the surrounding community. The communication program carried out by Amaryllis Boutique Resort is quite good, but Amaryllis Boutique Resort's community involvement activities are still less consistent. Apart from that, to increase the number of guests staying, it is possible to be more flexible in terms of the prices offered because when compared to competitors, the selling price of Amaryllis Boutique Resort rooms is still much more expensive. This influences customer decision making in choosing a hotel, which of course will have an impact on room occupancy rates. Keywords: Corporate Communications, Public Relations, Image, PENCILS, Amaryllis Boutique Resort Dewasa ini sektor bisnis perhotelan mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Persaingan bisnis perhotelan yang semakin ketat ini menuntut setiap pelaku bisnisnya untuk melakukan berbagai usaha agar dapat membangun citra yang kuat untuk menciptakan ketertarikan pada calon pelanggannya. Dibutuhkan program kehumasan untuk meningkatkan citra dan meningkatkan daya tarik customer yang menginap. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mencari tahu bagaimana implementasi program public relations Amaryllis Boutique Resort dalam meningkatkan citra luxury mountain boutique resort. Paradigma penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah konstruktivistik dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek penelitian dilakukan kepada 2 key informan yang terdiri dari PR & Marcomm Manager dan Front Office Manager Amaryllis Boutique Resort serta 4 informan yang terdiri dari satu receptionist dan tiga tamu Amaryllis Boutique Resort dengan melakukan wawancara dan studi dokumen. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Amaryllis Boutique Resort mengimplementasikan program kehumasan dengan mengacu kepada teori Public Relations PENCILS (Publications, Event, News, Community Involvement, Inform of Image, Lobbying and negotiation, Social Investment). Amaryllis Boutique Resort lebih banyak memanfaatkan media digital sebagai sarana publikasi. Selain itu melakukan event rutin, menjalin hubungan baik dengan stakeholder, melakukan negosiasi dan juga melaksanakan tanggung jawab sosial kepada masyarakat sekitar. Program komunikasi yang dilakukan oleh Amaryllis Boutique Resort sudah cukup baik namun dalam kegiatan community involvement Amaryllis Boutique Resort masih kurang konsisten. Selain itu untuk meningkatkan jumlah tamu yang menginap mungkin bisa lebih fleksible dari segi harga yang ditawarkan karena jika dibandingkan dengan kompetitor harga jual kamar Amaryllis Boutique Resort masih jauh lebih mahal hal tersebut berpengaruh terhadap pengambilan keputusan customer dalam memilih hotel yang tentunya akan berdampak terhadap tingkat hunian kamar. Kata Kunci: Public Relations, Komunikasi Korporat, Citra, PENCILS, Amaryllis Boutique Resort
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