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Text (BAB III)
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Text (BAB V)
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08 Daftar Lampiran.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (76kB) |
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The documentary film “Momen Di Balik Layar Keelokan Pernikahan” tells about the work of freelancers who work in the field of wedding documentation, portraits of a character's experience, provides a sketch in which informs a place, time, and situation/condition at that time. The documentary film "Moment Behind the Scenes of the Beauty of Marriage" goes through the pre-production, production and post-production stages. The author as an image editor has a role in uniting each piece of the image into a story. Using the montage editing technique used during the image editing procession, this montage technique is expected to be able to explain a series of moving images which are then compiled into a unified whole that quickly describes each scene and contains detailed information. This theory is able to describe the personality of the freelancers engaged in the art of wedding documentation who are the speakers in this film. Rapid technological advances, if not matched by the level of skill and creativity in everyone, will have a bad impact, in this case the sophistication of the camera allows ordinary people to capture good moments without the basic skills of photography and videography, as well as software. editing now allows everyone to produce good image editing in just one click the template that has been provided, so it is feared that this will erode everyone's creativity level in their work, therefore the author hopes that after watching this film it can awaken the next generation to be active work and be more creative in producing spectacular works in the future. Keywords : Documentary Film, Editing, Creativity Film dokumenter “Momen Di Balik Layar Keelokan Pernikahan” berceritakan tentang pekerjaan para pekerja lepas yang bekerja di bidang dokumentasi pernikahan, potret pengalaman seorang tokoh, memberikan sebuah sketsa yang didalamnya menginformasikan suatu tempat, waktu, dan situasi/kondisi saat itu. Pembuatan film dokumenter "Momen Di Balik Layar Keelokan Pernikahan" melewati proses tahapan pra produksi, produksi hingga pasca produksi. Penulis sebagai penyunting gambar mempunyai peran dalam menyatukan setiap potongan gambar menjadi sebuah cerita. Penggunaan teknik montage editing yang digunakan pada saat prosesi penyuntingan gambar, teknik montage ini diharapkan mampu menjelaskan rangkaian suatu gambar bergerak yang kemudian disusun menjadi suatu kesatuan yang utuh yang mendeskripsikan tiap scene secara cepat dan mengandung informasi mendetail. Teori ini mampu menggambarkan kepribadian dari para pekerja lepas yang bergerak di bidang seni dokumentasi pernikahan yang menjadi narasumber pada film ini. Pada kemajuan teknologi yang pesat jika tidak diimbangi dengan tingkat kemahiran dan kreatifias dalam diri setiap orang akan menghasilkan dampak yang buruk, dalam hal ini kecanggihan kamera membuat orang awam dapat mengabadikan momen yang baik tanpa adanya skill dasar fotografi maupun videografi, dan juga perangkat lunak. Kata Kunci : Film Dokumenter, Penyunting Gambar, Kreatifitas
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