MITOLOGI DALAM FOTO JURNALISTIK PRESIDEN DI MEDIA BARU (Kajian Semiotika Roland Barthes Pada Foto Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Presiden Jokowi di Portal Berita Online)

NUGROHO, ARI CAHYO (2022) MITOLOGI DALAM FOTO JURNALISTIK PRESIDEN DI MEDIA BARU (Kajian Semiotika Roland Barthes Pada Foto Pelaksanaan Vaksinasi Presiden Jokowi di Portal Berita Online). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta-Menteng.

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laju penyebaran pandemi Covid-19, pemerintah Indonesia mulai menggunakan jenis vaksin Sinovac per Januari 2021 untuk digunakan dalam program vaksninasi nasional. Akibat kontroversi penggunaan vaksin Sinovac, Presiden Jokowi bersedia tampil sebagai orang pertama yang menerima penyuntikan vaksin Sinovac. Kajian ini bertujuan menyibak makna denotatif, konotatif, dan mitos seperti apa yang sesungguhnya terkandung dalam foto jurnalistik presiden dalam proses vaksinasi tahap 1 dan tahap 2 di Istana Negara. Studi ini menggunakan paradigma kritis, jenis penelitian kualitatif, metode analisis semiotik, objek kajian dua situs media online dan subjek kajian foto jurnalistik vaksinasi presiden. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tandatanda semiotik yang di temukan pada berita foto jurnalistik (teks infografis) Presiden Jokowi terkait program vaksinasi tahap 1 dan vaksinasi tahap 2 terbukti telah membentuk mitos tertentu, yakni pengonstruksian ‘citra positif’ presiden (merakyat, sederhana, informal, santai, penuh perhatian, melayani, inklusif, humble, toleran, dan akomodatif), baik dari sisi konstruksi konotasi maupun mitos. Seluruh bangunan konsep analisis (yang terdiri dari aspek dan tahap analisis teori semiotik Roland Barthes) memperlihatkan penonjolan peran dan posisi presiden sebagai fokus utama atau aktor penentu atau aktor utama yang melatari seluruh bingkai teks narasi sosial berita foto junralistik (teks infografis) di situs berita dan Mitos ‘citra positif’ dalam gambar foto jurnalistik (teks berita infografis) presiden tersebut memperjelas adanya makna konotatif bahwa posisi presiden harus dicitrakan sedemikian rupa agar terbangun konstruksi positif dan kesepakatan (penguatan citra sosial dan membentuk konsensus politik) tertentu yang ingin dicapai oleh penarasian berita atau pewacanaan infografis. Along with the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic, the Indonesian government began to use the Sinovac vaccine type as of January 2021 for use in the national vaksnination program. Due to the controversy over the use of the Sinovac vaccine, President Jokowi was willing to appear as the first person to receive the Sinovac vaccine injection. This study aims to uncover the denotative, connotative, and mythical meanings of what is actually contained in photojournalism of the president in the phase 1 and phase 2 vaccination process at the State Palace. This study uses a critical paradigm, qualitative research type, semiotic analysis method, the object of study is two online media sites and the subject of a photojournalism study of presidential vaccinations. Based on the results of research, it can concluded that the semiotic signs found in President Jokowi's photojournalistic news (infographic text) regarding the vaccination program phase 1 and vaccination phase 2 have proven to have formed a certain myth, namely the construction of a 'positive image' of the president (populist, simple, informal, relaxed, attentive, serving, inclusive, humble, tolerant, and accommodative). Entire analysis concept building (which consists of aspects and stages of analysis of Roland Barthes' semiotic theory) shows the prominence of the role and position of the president as the main focus or determining actor or main actor that underlies the entire frame of the social narrative text of journalistic photo news accommodating, both in terms of connotative and mythical construction. The (infographic text) on the news site Liputan6 .com and The myth of the 'positive image' in the photojournalism image (infographic news text) of the president clarifies the connotative meaning that the president's position must be imaged in such a way that positive construction and agreement (strengthening social image and forming political consensus) are intended to be achieved by news narration or infographic discourse.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55220110059
Uncontrolled Keywords: Mythology, Photo Journalism, President Jokowi, New Media, Semiotics, Online News Portal,Mitologi, Foto Jurnalistik, Presiden Jokowi, Media Baru, Semiotika, Portal Berita Online
Subjects: 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: Priyo Raharjo
Date Deposited: 10 Sep 2022 06:08
Last Modified: 10 Sep 2022 06:08

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