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There is an apartment project (condominium) built by PT. GRAHA VIMALA ABADI which is located in Summarecon serpong which is experiencing delays in the implementation of project completion. From this project the beginning of construction in October 2019 is planned to be completed in the period of September 2020 but in fact in the period August-September 2020 progress only 85– 95%. Given that the project contract is a lump sum where the contract price is fixed and has been agreed upon and written in the construction project agreement or contract between the employer and the recipient of the work. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis using questionnaires and interviews with experts and respondents, the proposed variables are 6 variables 36 indicators to be asked and answered to 5 experts, namely project manager, site manager, engineer, and quality supervisor and obtained 6 variables. The 24 indicators were then distributed to 25 respondents. The data obtained from the questionnaire were then tested using SPSS 2.4. Data testing includes: Descriptive Statistical Analysis, Normality Test, Reliability Test, Validity Test, Multiple Correlation Test ( R ), Concomitant Regression Coefficient Test ( F Test ), Partial Regression Coefficient Test ( t test ), Multiple Linear Regression Analysis, Coefficient of Determination ( R2 ) After the analysis was carried out, it was found that 3 dominant factors were the causes of project delays, which included the 24 indicators previously proposed, the 3 factors including: (1) Slow permission to carry out work / work drawings by the Owner (X1.5), ( 2) Lack of trained personnel and management to support construction implementation (X2.2), (3) Material delivery (X4.1), with the regression model equation: Project Performance (Y) = Y '= (2.511) + 0.187 (X1) + 0.177 (X2) + 0.004 (X3) + 281 (X4) + 0.356 (X5) + (-0.414) (X6) while the price of R Square is 0.670 or 67%. Keywords: Analysis SPSS, construction project, change of image design, Delay, Questionnaire, SPSS 2.4. Terdapat proyek apartemen(kondominium) yang dibangun oleh PT.GRAHA VIMALA ABADI yang berlokasi di Summarecon serpong yang mengalami keterlambatan pelaksanaan penyelesaian proyek.Dari proyek ini awal pembangunan oktober 2019 direncanakan akan selesai pada periode september 2020 tetapi pada kenyataanya pada periode agustus-september 2020 progres hanya 85– 95%. Mengingat kontrak proyek adalah lump sum dimana harga kontrak bersifat tetap dan telah disepakati serta ditulis dalam perjanjian atau kontrak proyek konstruksi antara pemberi kerja dan penerima kerja. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif menggunakan kuesioner dan wawancara kepada para pakar dan responden,variabel yang diajukan sebanyak 6 variabel 36 indikator untuk dilakukan tanya jawab kepada 5 pakar yaitu proyek manager, site manager, engineer, dan quality supervisor dan diperoleh 6 variabel 24 indikator selanjutnya disebarkan kepada 25 responden.Data yang diperoleh dari kuesioner tersebut kemudian dilakukan pengujian data dengan menggunakan SPSS 2.4. Pengujian data meliputi :Analisis Statistik Deskriptif Uji Normalitas,Uji Reliabilitas,Uji Validitas,Uji Korelasi Berganda ( R ),Uji Koefisien Regresi Secara Bersama-sama ( Uji F ),Uji Koefisien Regresi Secara Parsial ( Uji t ) ,Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda,Koefisien Determinasi ( R2 ) Setelah dilakukan analisis didapatkan 3 Faktor dominan yang menjadi penyebab keterlambatan proyek yang meliputi 24 indikator yang sebelumnya diajukan, 3 faktor tersebut diantaranya adalah: (1)Lambatnya ijin pelaksanaan kerja /gambar kerja oleh Owner(X1.5), (2)Kekurangan tenaga dan manajemen terlatih untuk mendukung pelaksanaan konstruksi(X2.2), (3)Pengiriman bahan(X4.1), dengan persamaan model regresi: Kinerja Proyek (Y) = Y’ = (2.511) + 0.187 (X1) + 0.177 (X2) + 0.004 (X3) + 281 (X4) + 0.356 (X5) + (-0.414) (X6) sedangkan harga R Square yaitu sebesar 0,670 atau 67%. KataKunci: Analisis SPSS, proyek konstruksi,perubahan desain gambar,Keterlambatan, Kuesioner, SPSS 2.4.
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