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Pulo Gebang Terminal is the new face of the type A terminal in Indonesia which uses the concept of a modern terminal and is equipped with facilities that support people's needs in today's modern era of life. In addition, the Pulo Gebang terminal is equipped with an electronic system including an information system, online ticket purchase services and boarding passes which will make it easier for people to carry out activities. This terminal has also been integrated with several type A terminals on the island of Java. and has very good facilities but the implementation is not appropriate so that the comfort of terminal users is still lacking. For example selling bus tickets online, but there are still many who buy tickets from brokers at the terminal at different prices and also delays in departure but there is no compensation for passengers according to applicable regulations so that terminal users feel less safe and comfortable with services in terminal. This research refers to Permenhub No 40 of 2015 concerning service standards for the operation of road transport passenger terminals, and for terminal operational performance refers to the Decree of the Director General of Land Transportation Number: SK.6251/AJ.104/DRJD/2017 concerning Technical Guidelines for Class Assignment Criteria Type A Passenger Terminal From Pulo Gebang Terminal Service Performance it can be concluded that its performance is included in the good category because of the 23 attributes studied there are 20 attributes that are above average or satisfactory performance according to users in their performance and for terminal Operational Performance the capacity in serving AKAP Bus operations is still adequate with a smaller calculated area value compared to the existing area value. Which means the infrastructure is still very feasible to serve AKAP bus operations in high mobility Keywords: Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Operational Performance and terminal services, Permenhub No 40 of 2015, AKAP Bus, Type A Terminal, Pulo Gebang Terminal.Keywords: Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Operational Performance and terminal services, Permenhub No 40 of 2015, AKAP Bus, Type A Terminal, Pulo Gebang Terminal. Terminal Pulo Gebang merupakan wajah baru terminal tipe A di Indonesia yang memakai konsep terminal modern dan dilengkapi dengan fasilitas-fasilitas yang menunjang kebutuhan masyarakat di era kehidupan modern seperti saat ini. Selain itu terminal pulo gebang sudah dilengkapi dengan system elektronik diantaranya yaitu sistem informasi, pelayanan pembelian tiket online serta boarding pass yang akan memudahkan masyarakat untuk berkegiatan. Terminal ini juga sudah berintegrasi dengan beberapa terminal tipe A di pulau Jawa. dan memiliki fasilitas yang sangat baik tetapi dalam penyelenggaraanya belum sesuai sehingga membuat kenyamanan pengguna terminal masih kurang. Misalnya penjualan tiket bus secara online akan tetapi masih banyak yang membeli tiket dari calo di terminal dengan harga yang berbeda dan juga terjadinya keterlambatan pemberangkatan tetapi tidak ada kompensasi terhadap penumpang sesuai dengan peraturan yang berlaku sehingga membuat para pengguna terminal merasa kurang aman dan nyaman terhadap pelayanan didalam terminal. Penelitian ini mengacu kepada Permenhub No 40 Tahun 2015 tentang standar pelayanan penyelenggaraan terminal penumpang angkutan jalan, dan untuk kinerja operasional terminal mengacu kepada Surat Keputusan Direktur Jenderal Perhubungan Darat Nomor: SK.6251/AJ.104/DRJD/2017 Tentang Pedoman Teknis Kriteria Penetapan Kelas Terminal Penumpang Tipe A. Dari Kinerja Pelayanan Terminal Pulo Gebang dapat diambil kesimpulan bahwa kinerjanya termasuk dalam kategori baik karena dari 23 atribut yang diteliti terdapat 20 atribut yang berada diatas kinerja rata-rata atau memuaskan menurut pengguna dalam kinerjanya dan untuk Kinerja Operasional terminal kapasitas dalam melayani operasional Bus AKAP masih memadai dengan lebih kecilnya nilai luas pehitungan dibandingkan dengan nilai luas eksisting. Yang berarti infrastruktur tersebut masih sangat layak untuk melayani operasional bus AKAP dalam mobilitas Tinggi. Kata Kunci: Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Kinerja Operasional dan pelayanan terminal, Permenhub No 40 Tahun 2015, Bus AKAP, Terminal Tipe A, Terminal Pulo Gebang

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FT/SIP. 23 163
Call Number: ST/11/23/152
NIM/NIDN Creators: 41119310061
Uncontrolled Keywords: Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Kinerja Operasional dan pelayanan terminal, Permenhub No 40 Tahun 2015, Bus AKAP, Terminal Tipe A, Terminal Pulo Gebang
Subjects: 200 Religion/Agama > 260 Christian Social Theology/Teologi Sosial Kristen > 268 Religious Education/Pendidikan Agama Kristen, Pengajaran Agama Kristen > 268.7 Services/Pelayanan
600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 624 Civil Engineering/Teknik Sipil
600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan > 657 Accounting/Akuntansi > 657.8 Accounting for Enterprises Enganged in Specific Kinds of Activities/Akuntansi Usaha yang Bergerak dalam Jenis Kegiatan Tertentu > 657.83 Service and Professionals Activities/Kegiatan Pelayanan dan Profesional
Divisions: Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil
Depositing User: khalimah
Date Deposited: 04 Nov 2023 04:53
Last Modified: 04 Nov 2023 04:53

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