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Indonesia has 115 reigns and remain five kingdom exist include Kesultanan Yogyakarta Hadiningrat which has a large of culture heritage. One of them in gastronomy. Kesultanan Yogyakarta’s gastronomy has various menus, in drink and beverage. Some of them created by the Sultan or Sultan’s assistance as the part of his achievement in monarch. Many culinary in Kesultanan has deep meaning and philosophy as a part of Javanese’s culture. A stage of life every person in Java connected with many culinary as a celebration. Bale Raos Restaurant established as Ratu Hemas’s initiate. She wanted all culinary in Yogyakarta Reign was documented and sustain. She wanted all people in Jogja especially young generation care and know Yogyakarta’s culinary and have good experience about the taste of Jogjakarta’s culinary from ancient till the contemporary era include Sultan Hamengkubuwono 10th as the last reign. Many countries use their traditional and unique gastronomy as sell point in tourism such as Italy, France. They made unique attraction and event trough Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) to attract tourist come and pay in high price as a luxurious package. Wine tasting in Wine Farm and explore the production of wine in barn and how to keep and make it better taste then ended up with have lunch with traditional menus is a part of tourist’s attraction in Toulouse and Bordeaux France. Lyon, declare their city as the centre of world’s gastronomy by offer their unique and traditional restaurants to get devisa. Gastronomy tourism activate the community to have big role as a part of tourism and make economy growing higher. It need government’s role and supported by regulation, fund and infrastructure. These made tourism survive in these countries. The novelty of this thesis point is pointed on how Bale Raos Restaurant as a restaurant which brought royal heritage’s values made some strategies to survive and get more customers after pandemic Covid 19 era. Tourism and restaurant trying hard to survive and scale up in post pandemic era. Focus in IMC strategies adapted in Bale Raos Restaurant. Brand awareness is the most important step to strength their brand in customers’ mind. Hopefully this thesis as a reference for four kingdoms which still existed in Indonesia (Kesultanan Surakarta, Kesultanan Deli, Kesultanan Cirebon and Kesultanan Makassar) to keep and maximed the potential of their culinary heritage as a part of culture and economic centre . Kata kunci : IMC, marketing communication, restaurant, restaurant’s branding, royal heritage culture, gastronomy of Indonesia Indonesia memiliki 115 kerajaan yang hadir silih berganti dan kini menyisakan lima kesultanan aktif termasuk Kesultanan Yogyakarta Hadiningrat yang memiliki warisan budaya kerajaan termasuk gastronominya, yang harus dilestarikan. Restoran Bale Raos didirikan atas Inisiatif Ratu Hemas permaisuri HB X, agar masyarakat bisa merasakan berbagai kuliner kesultanan dan mendapat pengalaman bersantap hidangan kegemaran Sultan penguasa Kesultanan Jogja dari masa ke masa. Banyak negara mampu menjadikan gastronomi sebagai daya tarik wisata, seperti Italia, Perancis, yang mengemas IMC wisata gastronominya secara apik sehingga menarik wisatawan datang dan bersedia membayar mahal. Wisata cicip anggur di perkebunan kuno Toulouse dan Bordeaux Perancis, menjelajah Lyon skota kuliner berbasis tradisi yang memiliki restoran Michelin terbesar ke tiga di dunia, atau makan siang ala pedesaan Toscana Italia menjadi program wisata andalan yang menghasilkan devisa. Kegiatan wisata gastronomi menghidupkan perekonomian dan melibatkan partisipasi aktif masyarakat lokal serta meningkatkan image positif kota dan negara tersebut (Pereira, 2015). Bale Raos Restoran, Keraton dan masyarakat Jogja, pemangku kepentingan lainnya harus bersinergi memaksimalkan perannya menciptakan wisata kuliner kelas dunia.Usaha ini perlu totalitas dan dukungan nyata. Keterbaruan tesis ini terletak pada pembahasan IMC yang dilakukan Restoran berbasis royal heritage culture di masa pemulihan Covid 19. Juga memberi masukan IMCnya yang berdampak lebih luas dan lebih besar bagi scale up Bale Raos dengan tetap menjaga visi misinya. Berdasar penemuan di lapangan Bale Raos Resto juga harus menguatkan brandingnya, dikolaborasikan dalam rangkaian strategi komunikasi pemasaran terintegrasi yang dibuat tahunan. Strategi yang disusun dalam tesis ini diharapkan menjadi referensi bagi empat kesultanan yang ada untuk mengembangkan pusat budaya dan ekonomi kreatif sebagai destinasi wisata yang memiliki high economic value sesuai prinsip bisnis hospitality modern dan tujuan SDGs. Kata kunci : IMC, komunikasi pemasaran restoran, branding restoran, royal heritage culture, gastronomi Indonesia
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Call Number CD: | CD/552. 23 033 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 55220120061 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | IMC, komunikasi pemasaran restoran, branding restoran, royal heritage culture, gastronomi Indonesia |
Subjects: | 700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 780 Music/Seni Musik > 780.1-780.9 Standard Subdivisions of Music/Subdivisi Standar Dari Seni Musik > 780.1 Philosophy of Music/Filsafat Seni Musik > 780.14 Language and Communication/Bahasa dan Komunikasi 700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 790 Recreational and Performing Arts/Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > 794 Indoor Games of Skill/Permainan Ketangkasan dalam Ruangan > 794.1 Chess/Catur > 794.12 Strategy and Tactics/Strategi |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi |
Depositing User: | CALVIN PRASETYO |
Date Deposited: | 29 Sep 2023 02:41 |
Last Modified: | 29 Sep 2023 02:41 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/81596 |
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