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This research is motivated by the importance of maintaining a company's reputation for a Public Relations practitioner. Reputation is built on good or bad perceptions of stakeholders seen from how the company or organization fulfills stakeholder expectations. The research uses a different point of view in the Formation of Corporate Reputation through the scenes in the Emily in Paris series on the Netflix platform. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach to the Reception Analysis method. The researcher tries to collaborate on the applicability of reception theory of Stuart Hall's encoding decoding model by positioning the sources into three positions, namely: Dominant Hegemonic, Negotiation, and Opposition. Researchers use data collection techniques through in-depth interviews with informants, and make observations on scenes that reflect the Formation of Corporate Reputation. The sources for this study included: Public Relations Practitioners, Public Relations Academics, and Public Relations Students. The results of the study show that the majority are Hegemonic Dominants that each scene reflects emotional appeal, and the workplace environment as aspects of the Formation of Corporate Reputation. Whereas in Episode 4 when Emily managed to become a problem solver between the feud between Sylvie and Antoine. Furthermore, in Episode 7, namely how Emily executes the request requested by Mathieu Cadault which reflects the product and service, there are sources who are Opposition by providing another point of view. Key Words: Public Relations, Corporate Reputation, Encoding & Decoding, Netflix Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnya menjaga reputasi perusahaan bagi seorang praktisi Public Relations. Reputasi dibangun atas persepsi baik maupun buruk dari stakeholder dilihat dari bagaimana perusahaan atau organisasi memenuhi harapanharapan stakeholder. Penelitian menggunakan sudut pandang yang berbeda dalam Pembentukan Corporate Reputation melalui adegan-adegan yang ada dalam series Emily in Paris di platform Netflix. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode Analisis Resepsi. Peneliti mencoba mengolaborasi keberlakuan teori resepsi model encoding decoding Stuart Hall dengan memposisikan narasumber menjadi tiga posisi yaitu: Dominan Hegemonic, Negosiasi, dan Oposisi. Peneliti menggunakan teknik pengambilan data melalui wawancara mendalam kepada narasumber, dan melakukan observasi pada adegan-adegan yang mencerminkan Pembentukan Corporate Reputation. Narasumber pada penelitian ini antara lain: Praktisi Public Relations, Akademisi Public Relations, dan Mahasiswa Public Relations. Dari hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mayoritas Dominan Hegemonic bahwa setiap adegan mencerminkan emotional appeal, dan workplace environment sebagai aspek Pembentukan Coporate Reputation. Sedangkan pada Episode 4 ketika Emily berhasil menjadi problem solver antara perseturuan antara Sylvie, dan Antoine. Selanjutnya pada Episode 7 yaitu bagaimana Emily mengeksekusi permintaan yang diminta oleh Mathieu Cadault yang mencerminkan product and service terdapat narasumber yang Oposisi dengan memberikan sudut pandang lain. Kata Kunci: Public Relations, Corporate Reputation, Encoding & Decoding, Netflix
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