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The entertainment industry is a service industry that presents a variety of interesting experiences to the public. One of the entertainment industries that can be enjoyed is the film industry, also known as the cinema. Nowadays, Cinema XXI is one of the largest cinema operators in Indonesia. At the beginning of 2020, COVID-19 became a world health problem. The outbreak of the coronavirus has had an impact on the entertainment industry. Cinema XXI had to be closed for a certain period during the coronavirus outbreak. However, to keep marketing communication activities running, Cinema XXI continues to carry out brand activation activities through social media, which is instagram, to maintain brand recall during the pandemic. To maintain brand recall during the pandemic, the researcher is interested in analyzing brand activation activities on instagram and other social media platforms. The theory that was used in this research is the Marketing Communication Mix theory by Philip Kotler, followed by related theories of brand activation by Steve Wallace and Denny Siregar. This study used the Post-Positive paradigm with a descriptive qualitative approach. The object of this research is instagram Cinema XXI social media. The data for this research was gathered through observation and a review of the literature. The results showed that the brand activation activities of Cinema XXI consisted of various forms of marketing communication such as advertising, sales promotion, public relations, and publicity, and there were several forms of brand activation, including in the form of Social Media Activation, Promotions Activation, and Marketing Event Activation, as well as several activities that are categorized into important stages that must be carried out for the implementation of brand activation, which consists of the Invitation, Experience, and Amplification steps. Researcher hope that further research can analyze brand activation activities by Cinema XXI through in-depth interviews with Cinema XXI to understanding the brand activation strategy and hope that Cinema XXI can maximize and complement brand activation activities through brand activation with sponsorship activation or where the brand funds an activity to create wider range of marketing communications brand activation with the type of sponsorship activation or the type of brand activation where the brand funds an activity to create wider range of marketing communications. Key word: Pandemic, Cinema XXI, Brand Activation, Brand Recall Industri hiburan merupakan sebuah industri jasa yang menyajikan berbagai pengalaman menarik yang dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat, salah satu industri hiburan yang dapat dinikmati adalah industri perfilman yaitu bioskop. Cinema XXI adalah salah satu operator bioskop terbesar di Indonesia saat ini. Namun pada awal tahun 2020, Covid-19 hadir menjadi masalah kesehatan dunia. Mewabahnya virus corona, berdampak pada dunia hiburan di Tanah Air salah satunya terhadap Cinema XXI yang melakukan penutupan secara total pada periode tertentu. Namun untuk tetap berjalannya kegiatan komunikasi pemasaran, Cinema XXI tetap melakukan kegiatan brand activation melalui media sosialnya salah satunya di instagram guna mempertahankan brand recall pada masa pandemi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan analisis kegiatan brand activation pada media sosial instagram Cinema XXI dalam mempertahankan brand recall pada masa pandemi. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori Marketing Communication Mix dari Philip Kotler serta diikuti dengan teori Brand Activation dari Steve Wallace dan Denny Siregar. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma Post-Positivisme dengan pendekatan Kualitatif Deskriptif. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah media sosial instagram Cinema XXI. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan Observasi dan Studi Kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan brand activation yang dilakukan oleh Cinema XXI terdiri dari bentuk komunikasi pemasaran yang dilakukan Cinema XXI cukup beragam dimulai dari Advertising, Sales Promotion, Public Relation and Publicity dan terdapat beberapa bentuk brand activation diantaranya dalam bentuk Social Media Activation, Promotions Activation dan Marketing Event Activation serta beberapa kegiatan dikategorikan ke dalam tahapan penting yang harus dilakukan untuk implementasi brand activation yang terdiri dari langkah Invitation (Ajakan), Experience (Pengalaman), dan Amplification (Penguatan). Peneliti berharap penelitian selanjutnya dapat menganalisis aktivitas kegiatan brand activation yang dilakukan oleh Cinema XXI melalui kegiatan wawancara secara mendalam dengan pihak Cinema XXI yang berkaitan dengan brand activation untuk mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih luas lagi seperti pemahaman terkait strategi brand activation yang dilakukan dan berharap Cinema XXI dapat memaksimalkan serta melengkapi aktivitas kegiatan brand activation yang dilakukan melalui brand activation dengan jenis sponsorship activation atau jenis brand activation di mana brand mendanai suatu kegiatan agar terciptanya jangkauan komunikasi pemasaran yang lebih luas lagi. Kata kunci: Pandemi, Cinema XXI, Brand Activation, Brand Recall.
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