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PT. GTR, in several quality control programs that have been carried out by the company, has not had a maximum impact on the quality of the products which often do not meet the standards, it is evident that the number of defects in Green tire in the building process is still beyond the company set of 0.08%. Therefore the company must immediately carry out an evaluation and improvement of the ongoing production process. The method used in this study is the Failure Mode and Effects Analysis method (FMEA) to identify and analyze failures that occur during the production process. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that cause defects, as well as make improvements to reduce the number of defects in the green tire. In this study there are ten failure modes. Based on the calculation of the Risk Priority Number (RPN) value there are 3 highest RPN values. Failure mode with Jointless highest RPN value released from roll stand with RPN value of 567. The second failure mode is a vibration in the roll shaft with a RPN value of 504. Where as in third place has a jointless failure mode tucked between roll and stopper roll with RPN value of 448. For the other seven failure modes, the lock shaft roll is missing, Bearing dancing roll is broken, joint roll is in roll player, There is no standard installation of jointless grooves on the dancing roll and the operator installs jointless grooves differently, Jointless sensor dies / does not work, Slack limit sensor midle holder bolt, No preventive procedure Defect jointless pulling. Improvement efforts made to overcome the above problems include: Modifying the roll stand originally the roll length of the stand is 70 mm changed to 100 mm size, Adding bolt holder Shield shaft roll stand 2 pcs changed to 4 pcs, Modifying the roll pillow which was originally roll pillow length 50 mm changed to 80 mm, made a lock shaft roll for locking in the joint roll section of the material installed with a lock shaft roll, replaced the bearing dancing roll with the new one, carried out the addition of the dancing roll and jointless grooves, Study the installation of jointless grooves on the dancing roll and make the standard installation of jointless material grooves, Replace sensors with new ones, Replace Midle limit sensor mounting bolts, Create Field Work Instruction (IKL) jointless prevention procedures in interest. After repairs, the number of defects in the Green tire was reduced from 165 pcs to 75 pcs per month. Keywords : Product defects, Green tire, Quality control, Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), risk priority number (RPN). PT. GTR, dalam beberapa program pengendalian kualitas yang sudah dilakukan perusahaan belum berdampak maksimal terhadap kualitas produk yang dihasilkan seringkali masih belum memenuhi standar, terbukti jumlah defect pada Green tire pada proses building masih berada diluar batas yang telah ditetapkan oleh perusahaan yaitu 0.08%. Oleh karena itu perusahaan harus segera melakukan evaluasi dan perbaikan terhadap proses produksi yang berlangsung. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA) untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisa kegagalan yang terjadi selama proses produksi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisa faktor-faktor penyebab defect, serta melakukan perbaikan untuk mengurangi jumlah defect pada green tire. Pada penelitian ini terdapat sepuluh mode kegagalan, Berdasarkan perhitungan nilai Risk Priority Number (RPN) terdapat 3 nilai RPN tertinggi. Mode kegagalan dengan nilai RPN tertinggi Jointless lepas dari roll stand dengan nilai RPN sebesar 567. Mode kegagalan kedua adalah terjadi getaran di shaft roll dengan nilai RPN sebesar 504. Sedangkan di urutan ketiga memiliki mode kegagalan jointless terselip diantara roll dan stopper roll dengan nilai RPN sebesar 448. Untuk tujuh mode kegagalan lainnya yaitu lock shaft roll tidak ada, Bearing dancing roll jebol, jointless gulung di roll pemutar, Belum ada standart pemasangan alur jointless pada dancing roll dan operator memasang alur jointless berbeda-beda, Sensor jointless mati/tidak berfungsi, Baut dudukan limit sensor midle kendur, Tidak adanya prosedur pencegahan Defect jointless ketarik. Upaya perbaikan yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan diatas antara lain: Memodifikasi roll stand semula panjang roll stand adalah 70 mm dirubah menjadi keukuran 100 mm, Menambah baut dudukan Shield shaft roll stand 2 pcs dirubah menjadi 4 pcs, Memodifikasi roll bantal yang semula panjang roll bantal 50 mm dirubah ke 80 mm, Membuat lock shaft roll buat pengunci dibagian shaft roll material jointless dipasang lock shaft roll, Mengganti bearing dancing roll dengan yang baru, Melakukan penambahan roll pemisah pada dancing roll dan perubahan alur jointless, Study pemasangan material alur Jointless pada dancing roll dan membuat standart pemasangan alur material jointless, Mengganti sensor dengan yang baru, Melakukan penggantian baut dudukan limit sensor Midle, Membuatan Instruksi Kerja Lapangan (IKL) prosedur pencegahan jointless ketarik. Setelah dilakukan perbaikan jumlah defect pada Green tire berkurang dari sebelumnya 165 pcs menjadi 75 pcs per bulan. Kata kunci : kecacatan produk, Green tire, Pengendalian kualitas, Failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA), risk priority number (RPN).
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