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HIS Travel and Panorama are travel agent companies that are included in the top 10 travel agents in Jakarta. Travel agent companies have several strategies to maintain their company. The purpose of this study is to examine "Symbolic Convergence of CoViD-19 Cases Among Travel Agent Workers" in the period March - June 2020 The research concept used refers to the concept of the Symbolic Convergence theory from Richard West/Lynn H. Turner, namely the elements of the symbolic convergence process in the form of: fantasy theme (fantasy theme), fantasy chain (fantasy chain), fantasy type (fantasy type), rhetorical visions (rhetorical visions). The type of research used is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The paradigm used is the constructivist paradigm. The subjects in this study were employees of travel agents. The travel agent companies chosen by the author are HIS Travel and Panorama. Data collection techniques using Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The data that has been analyzed can be analyzed using triangulation techniques, namely checking the validity of the data as a comparison against the data. The results of the study show: 1) Fantasy theme, each travel has its own policy to maintain the company in the midst of the CoVid-19 pandemic, namely layoffs of employees with contract and permanent status, salary reductions, selling products outside the field of work. 2) Fantasy chain, the company has implemented Work From Home and from WFH employees do not get transportation and meal fees and employees are also required to take unpaid leave, which is forced to work from home and do work outside the jobdesk. 3) Fantasy type, namely the company lays off employees to reduce company losses. 4) The rhetorical vision includes that tourism purchasing power is not optimal because there are many crowds of people in tourist objects, so people are still afraid to travel. This study concludes that the presence of Symbolic Convergence affects the conversations and assumptions of travel agent workers. The fantasy delivered is based on the theme, chain, type, and rhetorical vision accepted by the travel agent group of workers. Keywords: symbolic convergence, covid-19 cases, travel workers HIS Travel dan Panorama merupakan perusahaan travel agent yang masuk ke dalam top 10 travel agent di Jakarta. Perusahaan travel agent memiliki beberapa strategi untuk mempertahankan perusahaannya. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengkaji “Konvergensi Simbolik Kasus CoViD-19 Di Kalangan Pekerja Travel Agent” pada periode bulan Maret - Juni 2020 Konsep Penelitian yang digunakan, mengacu pada konsep teori Konvergensi Simbolik dari Richard West/Lynn H.Turner, yaitu elemen-elemen proses konvergensi simbolik berupa: fantasy theme (tema fantasi), fantasy chain (rantai fantasi), fantasy type (tipe fantasi), rhetorical visions (visi retoris). Tipe penelitian yang digunakan bersifat deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Paradigma yang digunakan adalah paradigma konstruktivis. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah karyawan travel agent. Perusahaan travel agent yang dipilih penulis adalah HIS Travel dan Panorama. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Data yang telah di dapat dianalisa menggunakan teknik triangulasi yaitu pemeriksanaan keabsahan data sebagai pembanding terhadap data tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: 1) Tema fantasi, setiap travel memiliki kebijakan masingmasing untuk mempertahankan perusahaan di tengan pandemi CoVid-19, yakni PHK karyawan berstatus kontrak maupun tetap, pengurangan gaji, menjual produk di luar bidang pekerjaan. 2) Rantai fantasi, perusahaan sudah memberlakukan Work From Home dan dari WFH tersebut karyawan tidak mendapakan uang transportasi dan uang makan serta karyawan juga diwajibkan untuk mengambil cuti tanpa di bayar, yakni terpaksa harus bekerja rumah dan mengerjakan pekerjaan di luar jobdesk. 3) Tipe fantasi yaitu perusahaan merumahkan karyawan untuk menekan kerugian perusahaan. 4) Visi retoris meliputi daya beli pariwisata tidak optimal karena di objek wisata banyak kerumunan masyarakat sehingga masyarakat masih takut untuk berpergian. Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa adanya Konvergensi Simbolik mempengaruhi percakapan dan asumsi dari pekerja travel agent. Fantasi yang disampaikan berdasarkan tema, rantai, tipe, dan visi retoris yang diterima oleh kelompok pekerja travel agent. Kata kunci: konvergensi simbolik, kasus covid-19, pekerja travel. Kata kunci: konvergensi simbolik, covid-19, pekerja travel agent
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