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The Association of Indonesian Music Promoters stated that there were hundreds of failed events and thousands of workers who lost their income due to the pandemic. However, from various kinds of music concerts and the many organizers of music events, PT. Java Festival Production is a music promoter that still survives and every year it never misses to hold its main event , namely the Java Jazz Festival. Until now, PT.JFP is one of the top mind promoters of Indonesian music that still survives. The question arises, how is JFP's digital promotion strategy in maintaining brand equity in the new normal era? The purpose of this study is to reveal how the SWOT analysis of the digital promotion strategy of PT. Java Festival Production, as well as how the digital promotion strategy of PT. Java Festival Production in maintaining brand equity. The theory of Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat (SWOT) analysis is used. The SWOT analysis used is based on the assumption that an effective strategy will minimize weaknesses and threats. Then the theory of segmenting, targeting, and positioning (STP) and theory of analysis of digital promotion strategies. This theory is intended to determine the focus of the most valuable segments for the company when designing digital promotion strategies and how to deliver the most relevant messages in each of these audience segments. This research uses a qualitative approach assisted by a case study method. Where the research subjects are divided into 2 categories, namely one key informan and informan, all of whom are parties who have contributed both to work and customers from PT. Java Festival Production. Key Informants are parties who work directly to handle the promotion of PT.JFP. Meanwhile, Informants are parties who have been involved in or participated in events from PT. JFP. All information obtained through in-depth interviews and case studies from data in the field. From the research results, it is known that PT. JFP uses three main stages in carrying out its digital promotion strategy, namely; Phase 1, strategy formulation by analyzing the situation, defining the objectives of each event and planning promotional activities; Phase 2, strategy implementation, using a marketing mix of advertising, sales promotion and public relations; Stage 3, strategy evaluation, by reviewing external and internal factors that form the basis of the existing basic strategy, measuring performance and taking corrective actions. In this study, researchers have limitations and weaknesses in conducting research, such as not being able to get detailed information on each event , researchers are directly involved, causing differences in information perspectives and time constraints from PT.JFP. If you want to conduct or discuss similar research, it is advisable to choose the object of a program or event in an organization that has developed because it is considered to have carried out three strategic planning steps. Keywords: SWOT, Digital Promotion Strategy, Brand Equity, New Normal Asosiasi Promotor Musik Indonesia menyatakan bahwa terdapat ratusan event yang gagal dan ribuan pekerja yang kehilangan pemasukan karena pandemi. Namun dari berbagai macam konser musik serta banyaknya penyelenggara event musik, PT. Java Festival Production merupakan promotor musik yang masih bertahan dan setiap tahunnya tidak pernah melewatkan untuk menyelenggarakan event utamanya yaitu Java Jazz Festival. Hingga saat ini, PT.JFP adalah salah satu top mind promotor musik Indonesia yang masih bertahan. Muncul pertanyaan, bagaimana strategi promosi digital JFP dalam mempertahankan ekuitas merek di era new normal? Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengungkap bagaimana analisa SWOT strategi promosi digital PT. Java Festival Production, serta bagaimana strategi promosi digital PT. Java Festival Production dalam mempertahankan ekuitas merek. Digunakan teori analisis Strength, Weakness, Opportunity & Threat (SWOT). Analisis SWOT yang digunakan di dasari pada asumsi bahwa suatu strategi yang efektif akan meminimalkan kelemahan dan ancaman Kemudian teori segmenting, targeting, dan positioning (STP) serta teori analisis strategi promosi digital. Teori ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui fokus segmen yang paling bernilai bagi perusahaan pada saat merancang strategi promosi digital dan cara penyampaian pesan yang paling relevan di setiap segmen audiens tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dibantu dengan metode studi kasus. Dimana subyek penelitian terbagi menjadi 2 kategori yakni satu key informan dan informan, semuanya adalah pihak yang memiliki kontribusi baik bekerja maupun customer dari PT. Java Festival Production. Key Informan merupakan pihak yang bekerja langsung menanangi promosi PT.JFP. Sedangkan Informan adalah pihak-pihak yang pernah terlibat ataupun mengikuti event dari PT.JFP. Semua informasi yang didapatkan melalui in-depth interview dan studi kasus dari data dilapangan. Dari hasil penelitian diketahui jika PT. JFP menggunakan tiga tahapan utama dalam menjalankan strategi promosi digital yakni; Tahap 1, strategy formulation dengan menganalisis situasi, mendefinisikan tujuan setiap event serta perencanaan aktifitas promosi; Tahap 2, strategy implementation, menggunakan bauran pemasaran advertising, sales promotion dan public relations; Tahap 3, strategy evaluation, dengan meninjau ulang faktor eksternal dan internal yang menjadi dasar strategi dasar yang ada, mengukur kinerja dan mengambil tindakan korektif. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti mepunyai keterbatasan dan kelemahan dalam melakukan penelitian seperti tidak dapat mendapatkan informasi detail pada setiap event peneliti dilibatkan secara langsung sehingga menyebabkan perbedaan perspektif informasi serta keterbatasan waktu dari pihak PT.JFP. Jika ingin melakukan atau membahas penelitian sejenis, disarankan untuk memilih objek sebuah program atau acara di organisasi yang sudah berkembang karena hal tersebut dirasa sudah melakukan tiga langkah perencanaan strategis. Kata Kunci : SWOT, Strategi Promosi Digital, Ekuitas Merek, New Normal
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