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Currently the culinary industry is growing rapidly. With the support of various online platforms that are currently so popular with the public, culinary business can expand their market and reach even more customers. Generally, culinary industry players start their business by creating shops or offline stores, where the food or drinks served can be ordered directly at the shop location by customers, but this is different from what Ipponzuri restaurant did, where this restaurant started with sell online first. Ipponzuri only relies on Instagram as the only social media chosen to introduce its brand and products to the wider community. Looking at the Ipponzuri Instagram account, it can be seen that Ipponzuri is quite successful in attracting the attention of Instagram users, this can be seen from the number of followers of Ipponzuri's Instagram account, which amounts to 26,000 people. Starting a business through social media is certainly not an easy thing, especially it can get attention from social media users, therefore it is believed that a special strategy is needed in building brand image through social media. This research aims to determine the form and results of the Ipponzuri restaurant's marketing public relations strategy in building brand image through social media. This type of research uses descriptive qualitative research. The data collection technique used in-depth interviews with informants. The results of this research discuss how the marketing public relations strategy is implemented and has an influence on Ipponzuri's brand image. The results showed that through the marketing public relations strategy that Ipponzuri did in the form of providing information, interaction, good content visualization, promotion, participating in exhibitions, repost reviews and social activities, all of these things were able to build Ipponzuri's brand image to the point of success like today. Keywords: Strategy, Brand Image, Marketing, Public Relations, Culinary. Saat ini industri kuliner semakin berkembang pesat. Dengan dukungan berbagai platform online yang saat ini begitu digemari oleh masyarakat, para pelaku bisnis kuliner bisa mengekspansi pasar mereka dan meraih pelanggan lebih banyak lagi. Umumnya para pelaku industri kuliner memulai bisnis mereka dengan membuat toko atau offline store, di mana makanan atau minuman yang disajikan dapat dipesan secara langsung di lokasi toko oleh para pelanggan, namun hal ini berbeda dengan yang dilakukan oleh Ipponzuri restaurant, di mana restaurant ini memulainya dengan berjualan secara online terlebih dahulu. Ipponzuri hanya mengandalkan Instagram sebagai satu-satunya sosial media yang dipilih dalam mengenalkan brand dan produknya kepada masyarakat secara luas. Melihat dari akun Instagram Ipponzuri, terlihat bahwa Ipponzuri cukup berhasil menarik perhatian para pengguna Instagram, hal ini terlihat dari jumlah followers akun Instagram Ipponzuri yang berjumlah 26.000 orang. Memulai bisnis melalui media sosial tentu bukan hal yang mudah, terlebih bisa mendapat perhatian dari para pengguna sosial media, oleh karena itu diyakini perlu strategi khusus dalam membangun brand image melalui sosial media. Penelitian yang dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk dan hasil dari strategi marketing public relations Ipponzuri restaurant dalam membangun brand image melalui media sosial. Tipe penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif Kualitatif. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data dengan wawancara mendalam dengan informan. Hasil penelitian ini membahas mengenai bagaimana strategi marketing public relations diterapkan dan memiliki pengaruh terhadap brand image Ipponzuri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa melalui strategi marketing public relations yang Ipponzuri lakukan dalam bentuk pemberian informasi, interaksi, visualisasi konten yang baik, promosi, mengikuti pameran, repost review dan kegiatan sosial, semua hal tersebut mampu membangun brand image Ipponzuri hingga berada pada titik kesuksesan seperti saat ini. Kata Kunci: Strategi, Brand Image, Marketing, Public Relations, Kuliner.
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