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The high production of coal in the country has caused a huge increase in the demand for mining transport equipment. The development of some well-known brands of mining transport equipment has been marked by the emergence of some new brands. This is an opportunity or a challenge for companies involved in the manufacturing sector that produce mine transport equipment. Mining equipment has good functionality that can be seen from the quality including strength, durability and lifespan. The material's resistance to wear and tear caused by surface contact with mining materials and also corrosive environmental conditions. To protect against corrosive threats, the workpiece must be painted. Painting applications are governed by ISO 12944-2 regarding painting applications based on the environment of exposed steel structures and ISO 12944-5 describes the types of painting and painting systems used. This research was conducted in the manufacturing process of mine transport. After analyzing using the lean tool that is VSM (value stream mapping), it was found that there is a bottleneck process. The bottleneck process is in the painting process. Research continues using six sigma by going through several phases of DMAIC. Define identifies the cycle time process obtained, classifying it into Non-Value Added (NVA) or value-added activities, looking for waste in the form of waiting time, high handling time. The PCE value was obtained at 44.33%. The measurement is done by measuring the thickness of the paint. Calculation using the six-pack capability obtained CP 0.28 <1.3 and Kane's Capability index -0.59 <1.3 sigma level value obtained is sigma level 1 which is 961,238.75 This shows that the painting application process does not follow the specifications that have been determined, and this happens in all three layer done. Then Analisa uses fishbone to find out the cause of the problem, this phase is conducted FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with related departments and some experts. The Improvement Phase is carried out by making changes based on ISO 12944-2 and ISO 12944-5 references. The results obtained are better than the process before the repair was carried out. Process lead time is 50% faster, Value added increases by 50%, Total delay becomes 3.8 hours from 26.82 hours, Balance Delay decreases to 50% and line efficiency increases from 62% to 84.42%. The final control phase was carried out using the FMEA method from RPN values od 5740 to 120 by implementing the control plan that had been set. Keywords: Lean, Six Sigma, DMAIC, Line Balancing, Balance Delay, Efficiency Tingginya produksi batu bara di tanah air mengakibatkan banyaknya peningkatan permintaan pada alat tranportasi pertambangan. Perkembangan beberapa merek terkenal alat transportasi tambang sudah diwarnai dengan banyaknya bermunculan beberapa merek baru. Hal ini menjadi kesempatan atau tantangan bagi Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang manufaktur yang memproduksi alat transportasi tambang. Peralatan tambang memiliki fungsi yang baik dapat dilihat dari qualitas meliputi kekuatan, ketahanan dan lifetime. Ketahanan material terhadap keausan yang disebabkan oleh kontak permukaan material tambang dan juga kondisi lingkungan yang korosif. Untuk melindungi dari ancaman korosif, maka benda kerja harus dilakukan painting. Aplikasi painting diatur oleh ISO 12944-2 mengenai aplikasi painting berdasarkan lingkungan struktur baja terpapar dan ISO 12944-5 menjelaskan tipe painting dan painting system yang digunakan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan di proses manufaktur transportasi tambang. Setelah dilakukan analisa dengan menggunakan tool lean yaitu VSM (value stream mapping), ditemukan adanya proses bottleneck. Proses Bottleneck tersebut ada didalam proses painting. Penelitian dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan six sigma dengan melalui beberapa fase DMAIC. Define melakukan identifikasi terhadap proses-proses waktu siklus yang didapatkan, klasifikasi kedalam kegiatan Non Value Added (NVA) atau value add, ditemukan adanya waste berupa banyaknya waktu tunggu, waktu handling yang cukup tinggi. Di dapat nilai PCE nya adalah sebesar 44,33%. Measure dilakukan pengukuran terhadap hasil ketebalan cat. Perhitungan menggunakan capability six pack didapat CP 0,28 <1,3 dan Capability index Kane -0,59<1,3 nilai sigma level didapat adalah sigma level 1 yaitu 961.238,75 ini menunjukkan proses aplikasi painting tidak sesuai dengan dengan spesifikasi yang telah ditentukan, dan hal ini terjadi di ketiga lapisan yang dilakukan. Selanjutnya Analyze menggunaka fishbone untuk mengetahui akar permasalahan yang terjadi, fase ini dilakukan FGD (Focus Group Discussion) dengan antar deartemen terkait dan juga beberapa expert. Fase Improve dilakukan dengan melakukan perubahan berdasarkan referensi ISO 12944-2 dan ISO 12944-5. Hasil yang di dapatkan lebih baik dri proses sebelum dilakukan perbaikan. Nilai Lead time proses lebih cepat 50%, Value add meningkat 50%, Total delay menjadi 3,8 jam dari 26,82 jam, Balance delay turun menjadi 50% dan line efficiency meningkat dari 62% menjadi 84,42%. Fase terakhit Control dilakukan dengan metode FMEA dari nilai RPN 5740 menjadi 120 dengan menjalankan control plan yang telah ditentukan. Keywords: Lean, Six Sigma, DMAIC, Line Balancing, Balance Delay, Efficiency
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