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The dome structure is a structural element of architecture that is roof-shaped but has a cavity and forms like a ball. One of the construction of the dome of the mosque structure that is being implemented is the construction of a mosque in the South Jakarta area. At the stage of implementation in the field there are various kinds of implementation changes, one of which is on the structure of the dome of the mosque. With various considerations, there is a change in the design of the ceiling dome, the previous ceiling material using uPVC (printing) ceiling material is then replaced with a combination of uPVC (printing) ceiling material and 3D shapes. The purpose of this final project is to determine the behavior and strength/capacity of the existing structure of the dome of the mosque to the addition of additional steel frame structural elements and materials on the ceiling of the dome of the mosque by using the method of stage construction analysis. Based on the gradual analysis/stage construction analysis at the time of the implementation process takes place obtained significant results than the analysis using the method of linear static normal analysis. The results of the gradual analysis/stage construction analysis during the implementation process have more detailed results on the magnitude of the impact of structure behavior when analyzed based on each stage in the field than by analyzing directly without calculating the impact of each stage of work in the field. Based on the analysis of SAP2000 deflection of the largest existing frame element occurs with a deflection of 2.23 mm and still within the limits of the deflection permit. Dead loading, roof live load, and wind load on additional steel frame structures based on SNI 1727:2020 and construction loads according to ASCE 37-14 Design Loads on Structures During Construction have been used as a reference in calculation and analysis and from the results of running SAP2000 and calculation of nominal strong analysis of the cross section of the additional dome ceiling structure according to SNI 1729:2020, the results obtained that the existing structural elements are still safe from the additional load of the dome ceiling structure. In addition, the super structure elements also obtained results that are still safe from the load acting on the dome ceiling. Keywords: Dome, Ceiling, Stage Construction Analysis Struktur kubah adalah suatu elemen struktural dari arsitektur yang berbentuk atap tetapi memiliki rongga dan membentuk seperti sebuah bola. Salah satu pembangunan struktur kubah masjid yang sedang dilaksanakan adalah pembangunan masjid di wilayah Jakarta Selatan. Pada tahap pelaksanaan di lapangan terdapat berbagai macam perubahan pelaksanaan, salah satunya pada struktur kubah masjid. Dengan berbagai pertimbangan, terjadi perubahan desain kubah plafon, material plafon sebelumnya menggunakan material plafon UPVC (printing) kemudian diganti menjadi kombinasi material plafon UPVC (printing) dan bentuk 3D. Tujuan dari Tugas Akhir ini adalah untuk mengetahui perilaku dan kekuatan/kapasitas struktur eksisting kubah masjid terhadap penambahan elemen struktur rangka baja tambahan dan material pada ceiling kubah masjid dengan menggunakan metode stage construction analysis. Berdasarkan analisis bertahap/stage construction analysis pada saat proses pelaksanaan berlangsung didapat hasil yang cukup signifikan daripada analisis menggunakan metode linear static normal analysis. Hasil analisis bertahap/stage construction analysis pada saat proses pelaksanaan berlangsung memiliki hasil yang lebih detail terhadap besaran dampak perilaku struktur ketika dianalisis berdasarkan setiap tahapan yang ada di lapangan daripada dengan menganalisis secara langsung tanpa memperhitungan dampak dari setiap tahap pekerjaan di lapangan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis SAP2000 lendutan elemen rangka eksisting terbesar terjadi dengan lendutan sebesar 2.23 mm dan masih dalam batas izin lendutan. Pembebanan mati, beban hidup atap, dan beban angin pada struktur rangka baja tambahan berdasarkan SNI 1727:2020 dan beban konstruksi sesuai ASCE 37-14 Design Loads on Structures During Construction telah digunakan sebagai acuan dalam perhitungan dan analisis dan dari hasil running SAP2000 serta perhitungan analisis kuat nominal penampang struktur tambahan ceiling kubah sesuai SNI 1729:2020 diperoleh hasil bahwa elemen struktur eksisting masih aman dari penambahan beban struktur plafon kubah. Selain itu, pada elemen super structure juga diperoleh hasil yang masih aman dari beban yang bekerja pada plafon kubah. Kata kunci : Kubah, Plafon, Stage Construction Analysis
Item Type: | Thesis (S1) |
Call Number CD: | FT/SIP. 22 235 |
Call Number: | ST/11/23/007 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 41120110165 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | Kubah, Plafon, Stage Construction Analysis |
Subjects: | 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan 600 Technology/Teknologi > 620 Engineering and Applied Operations/Ilmu Teknik dan operasi Terapan > 624 Civil Engineering/Teknik Sipil 600 Technology/Teknologi > 690 Buildings/Teknik Bangunan > 691 Building Material/Material Bangunan |
Divisions: | Fakultas Teknik > Teknik Sipil |
Date Deposited: | 18 Jan 2023 06:12 |
Last Modified: | 18 Jan 2023 06:12 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/73532 |
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