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Digital Immigrants sebagai pengguna teknologi finansial, khususnya Aplikasi Ajaib, merupakan kelompok menyaksikan kedatangan dan perkembangan teknologi digital sejak awal yang pada dasarnya cenderung tidak mahir dalam mengoperasikan teknologi modern. Dengan ini, peneliti ingin mengetahui bagaimana pengalaman digital immigrant dalam menggunakan aplikasi untuk mengungkapkan fleksibilitas interpretatif mereka terhadap aplikasi saham Ajaib. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengeksplorasi penggunaan dan fleksibilitas interpretasi terhadap aplikasi “Ajaib” oleh digital immigrant. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial teknologi, teori fenomenologi, serta konsep media baru dan konstruksi sosial teknologi, konsep digital immigrant, dan konsep fleksibilitas interpretatif. Paradigma penelitian ini menggunakan konstruktivis, dengan pendekatan penelitian menggunakan kualitatif serta metode penelitian fenomenologi untuk memahami dan menggambarkan esensi pengalaman digital immigrant dalam penggunaan dan interpretasi terhadap aplikasi Ajaib. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dengan melakukan wawancara semi terstruktur dan studi literatur. Terdapat empat pengguna aplikasi Ajaib dalam kategori digital immigrant yang menjadi informan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan digital immigrant memiliki fleksibilitas interpretatif terhadap aplikasi Ajaib di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Keberagaman digital immigrant dalam menginterpretasikan aplikasi Ajaib berlandaskan pada berbagai motif awal penggunan aplikasi tersebut yang dibagi berdasarkan motif alasan penggunaan dan motif tujuan penggunaan. Motif yang beragam mempengaruhi interpretasi digital immigrant dan flekibilitasnya berdasarkan bahasa, penggunaan dan struktur terhadap aplikasi Ajaib. Selain itu, digital immigrant sebagai kelompok sosial yang lebih kompeten dalam berkomunikasi secara langsung daripada bernavigasi di dunia maya, memiliki kendala dalam penggunaan aplikasi Ajaib yang mempengaruhi interpretasi mereka terhadap aplikasi tersebut. Fleksibilitas interpretatif digital immigrant ini juga berhubungan dengan konteks yang lebih luas di luar artefak teknologi yang memiliki pengaruh dalam memaknai aplikasi Ajaib. Kata Kunci : Fleksibilitas Interpretatif, Digital Immigrant, Aplikasi Saham, Konstruksi Sosial Teknologi, Pandemi Covid-19. Digital Immigrants as users of financial technology, especially Ajaib Application, are a group who have witnessed the beginning of arrival and development of digital technology, which basically tend to be not proficient in operating modern technology. Based on this, the researcher wants to know how the experience of digital immigrants in using the application to reveal their interpretative flexibility to the Ajaib stock application. The purpose of this study is to explore the use and the flexibility of interpretation of the “Ajaib” application by digital immigrants. This study using social construction of technology theory, phenomenological theory, and also the concept of new media and social construction technology, the concept of digital immigrant, and the concept of interpretive flexibility. The paradigm of this research using constructivist, the research approach using qualitative, and also phenomenological research methods to understand and describe the essence of the digital immigrant experience in the use as well as the interpretation of the Ajaib application. Data collection techniques used in this study by semi-structured interviews and literature studies. There are four users of the Ajaib application identified as in digital immigrant category who became informants in this study. The results of this study shows that digital immigrants have interpretive flexibility for the Ajaib application in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. The diversity of digital immigrants in interpreting the Ajaib application is based on the various initial motives for using the application which are divided based on the motive ‘because of’ and the motive ‘in oder to’. Various motives affect the interpretation of digital immigrants and their flexibility based on the flexibility of language, the flexibility of usage and the flexibility of structure towards the Ajaib application. In addition, digital immigrants as a social group who are more competent in communicating directly than navigating in the cyberspace, have several problems using the Ajaib application that affect their interpretation of the application. The interpretative flexibility of digital immigrants is also related to a wider context which outside of technological artifacts itself that has influences in interpreting Ajaib applications. Keywords :Interpretative Flexibility, Digital Immigrant, Stock Trading Application, Social Construction of Technology, Covid-19 Pandemic.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55220110047
Uncontrolled Keywords: Interpretative Flexibility, Digital Immigrant, Stock Trading Application, Social Construction of Technology, Covid-19 Pandemic, Fleksibilitas Interpretatif, Digital Immigrant, Aplikasi Saham, Konstruksi Sosial Teknologi, Pandemi Covid-19.
Subjects: 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Depositing User: ORYZA LUVITA
Date Deposited: 27 Sep 2022 04:29
Last Modified: 27 Sep 2022 04:29
URI: http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/69591

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