PUTRA, BAYU WOTO (2020) ADAPTASI DALAM KOMUNIKASI ANTAR BUDAYA ( Studi Fenomenologis Pada Mahasiswa Asal Indonesia di Multimedia University of Malaysia ). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana.
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Communication between students who have cultural differences is a phenomenon that occurs in the daily life of international students, including students who come from Indonesia at the University which is open to foreign students from various cultural diversity such as at Multimedia University of Malaysia. Because of their differences in cross-cultural educational backgrounds, Indonesian students studying at Multimedia University of Malaysia found that interacting with local students and the host environment was potentially challenging. This study aims to find out how the process of adaptation in intercultural communication includes motives, barriers, experiences and meaning to Indonesian students at Multimedia University of Malaysia. The basic theory used is the theory of intercultural communication that illustrates how the dimensions of intercultural communication affect the process of adaptation in intercultural communication among Indonesian students at Multimedia University of Malaysia, a phenomenological theory that clearly looks at the phenomenon and its sociological implications during the adaptation process in communication culture among Indonesian students at Multimedia University of Malaysia This study uses a constructivist paradigm with qualitative approaches and phenomenological methods. Data collection techniques in this study were carried out through interviews & observations. The data analysis technique used by the researcher is a typical analysis technique of the phenomenological method namely Interpretative Phenomenological Analysist (IPA), while for checking the validity of the data, the researcher uses source triangulation. The results showed that in the process of intercultural communication at Multimedia University of Malaysia, students from Indonesia had some initial motives such as age and educational background. Congenital behavior, culture shock, and language are things that can threaten the path of Indonesian students when communicating with other international students of different cultures. While adapting to intercultural communication, Indonesian students receive and give a lot of meaning through processes of determining motives and experiences. The outcome of intercultural communication processes related to local cultural norms and values, depends on the ability of individuals to adapt. . Keywords : Adaptation, Intercultural Communication, Phenomenology, Foreign Students Komunikasi antar mahasiswa yang berbeda budaya merupakan fenomena yang terjadi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari mahasiswa Internasional termasuk mahasiswa yang berasal dari Indonesia di Universitas yang terbuka bagi mahasiswa asing dari berbagai keberagaman budaya seperti Multimedia University of Malaysia. Karena perbedaan mereka dalam latar belakang pendidikan lintas budaya, mahasiswa asal Indonesia yang menempuh studi di Multimedia University of Malaysia menemukan bahwa berinteraksi dengan siswa lokal dan lingkungan host berpotensi menantang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana proses adaptasi dalam komunikasi antar budaya meliputi motif, hambatan, pengalaman serta makna pada mahasiswa Indonesia di Multimedia University of Malaysia. Teori dasar yang digunakan adalah teori komunikasi antar budaya yang menggambarkan bagaimana dimensi – dimensi komunikasi antar budaya mempengaruhi proses adaptasi dalam komunikasi antar budaya pada mahasiswa asal Indonesia di Multimedia University of Malaysia, teori fenomenologis yang melihat secara jelas fenomena dan implikasi sosiologisnya selama proses adaptasi dalam komunikasi antar budaya pada mahasiswa asal Indonesia di Multimedia University of Malaysia. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigm konstruktivis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode fenomenologis. Teknik pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan melalui wawancara, observasi/pengamatan. Tenik analisis data yang digunakan peneliti adalah teknik analisis khas metode fenomenologis yaitu Interpretatif Phenomenological Analysist (IPA), sedangkan teknik pemeriksaan keabsahan data, peneliti menggunakan triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa dalam proses komunikasi antar budaya di Multimedia university of malaysia, mahasiswa asal Indonesia memiliki beberapa motif awal seperti usia dan latar belakang pendidikan. Perilaku bawaan, culture shock, serta bahasa merupakan hal – hal yang dapat mengancam jalan nya mahasiswa asal indonesia ketika berkomunikasi dengan mahasiswa internasional lain yang berbeda budaya. Selama beradaptasi dalam komunikasi antar budaya, mahasiswa asal Indonesia menerima dan memberikan banyak makna melalui proses – proses penentuan motif, serta pengalaman. Hasil proses komunikasi antar budaya terkait norma dan nilai budaya setempat, tergantung kepada kemampuan individu untuk beradaptasi. Kata Kunci : Adaptasi, Komunikasi Antar Budaya, Fenomenologi, Mahasiswa Asing
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