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2 BAB 1 PENDAHULUAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (136kB) |
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3 BAB 2 TINJAUAN PUSTAKA.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (274kB) |
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4 BAB 3 METODOLOGI PENELITIAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (1MB) |
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5 BAB 4 HASIL DAN ANALISIS.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (1MB) |
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6 BAB 5 KESIMPULAN DAN SARAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (149kB) |
7 DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (90kB) |
As earthquakes occur, earthquake-resistant building structure planning is imperative. In order to be able to bear earthquake loads, designers and structural experts design buildings based on structural systems and also add shear walls so that they are able to withstand lateral forces due to wind and earthquakes. However, in some circumstances, the shear wall is given an opening due to several reasons that can affect the stiffness of the structure. Referring to this, acoupled shearwall is used for opening can be placed and the stiffness of the structure is also increased due to the presence of two or more shear walls which are connected to each other with the coupling beams to resist lateral forces. In this paper, a 20-story building that functions as an apartment is designed in Tangerang. This building uses sliding walls in pairs in order to place openings and also to withstand earthquake forces. This building is planned to use a Special Moment Bearer Frame System with a concrete quality of f'c = 40 MPa and a steel quality of 420 MPa. The loads analyzed include dead load, live load, and earthquake load. Planning carried out refers to SNI 1726-2019 and SNI 2847-2019. Structural analysis using ETABS software with a 3-dimensional overview. In the writing of this final project, the writer designed a paired shear wall consisting of two shear walls which are connected to each other with coupling beams at each level. The results of the structural planning obtained by the coupling beam diagonal, 2 with a length of 2 meters, a height of 1 meter and a thickness of 400mm. For the diagonal reinforcement obtained 10 D32 (2 directions), the longitudinal reinforcement parallel to bw is obtained 5D22, and the parallel longitudinal reinforcement h obtained 3d13. And for parallel stirrup bars bw obtained D16-100 parallel stirrups h obtained D10-100. Keywords : Analysis Dual System, Coupling Beam Seiring terjadinya gempa, perencanaan struktur gedung tahan gempa merupakan hal yang mutlak. Agar mampu memikul beban gempa, para perancang dan ahli struktur merancang bangunan berdasarkan sistem struktur dan juga menambahkan dinding geser sehingga mampu menahan gaya lateral akibat angin dan gempa. Namun pada beberapa keadaan, dinding geser diberi bukaan karena adanya beberapa hal sehingga dapat mempengaruhi kekakuan struktur. Mengacu dari hal tersebut, maka digunakanlah dinding geser berpasangan (coupled shearwall) sehingga bukaan dapat ditempatkan dan kekakuan struktur juga bertambah karena adanya dua dinding geser atau lebih yang saling terhubung dengan balok perangkai dalam menahan gaya lateral. Dalam penulisan ini, dirancang suatu bangunan gedung 20 tingkat yang berfungsi sebagai apartemen yang terletak di Tangerang. Bangunan ini menggunakan dinding geser berpasangan agar dapat menempatkan bukaan dan juga untuk menahan gaya gempa. Gedung ini direncanakan dengan menggunakan Sistem Rangka Pemikul Momen Khusus (SRPMK) dengan mutu beton f’c = 40 MPa dan mutu baja 420 MPa. Beban-beban yang di analisis meliputi beban mati, beban hidup, dan beban gempa. Perencanaan yang dilakukan mengacu pada SNI 1726-2019 dan SNI 2847-2019. Pada penulisan tugas akhir ini, penulis merancang dinding geser berpasangan yang terdiri atas dua dinding geser yang saling terhubung dengan balok perangkai pada tiap tingkatnya. Hasil dari perencanaan struktur yang diperoleh penulangan balok perangkai diagonal, 2 dengan panjang 2 meter, tinggi 1 meter dan tebal 400mm. Untuk tulangan diagonal diperoleh 10 D32 (2arah), tulangan longitudinal sejajar bw diperoleh 5D22, dan tulangan longitudinal sejajar h diperoleh 3d13. Dan untuk tulangan sengkang sejajar bw diperoleh D16-100 tulangan sengkang sejajar h diperoleh D10-100. Kata kunci : Analisis Sistem Ganda, Balok Perangkai.
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