JUSUF, ANDI HERLINA M. (2018) AKTIVITAS BAURAN PROMOSI UNIT USAHA SYARIAH PT BANK PERMATA TBK (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif Eksekusi Co-Branding Dan Sponsorship Permatabank Syariah Dengan Persib 2017-2018). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
1-COVER JUDUL.pdf Download (102kB) | Preview |
2-ABSTRAK.pdf Download (291kB) | Preview |
3-SURAT PERNYATAAN.pdf Download (108kB) | Preview |
4-LEMBAR PENGESAHAN.pdf Download (780kB) | Preview |
5-KATA PENGANTAR.pdf Download (411kB) | Preview |
6-DAFTAR ISI.pdf Download (445kB) | Preview |
7-DAFTAR TABEL.pdf Download (195kB) | Preview |
8-DAFTAR GAMBAR.pdf Download (279kB) | Preview |
9-DAFTAR LAMPIRAN.pdf Download (350kB) | Preview |
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15-DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (318kB) |
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The increasingly ultracompetitive marketing competition in the banking industry has become a trigger for the Sharia Business Unit of PT Bank Permata Tbk (PermataBank Sharia) to promote in a way that has never been done before, namely to conduct sport sponsorship initiatives for the PERSIB football club. This research was conducted to determine the promotional mix activities of PermataBank Sharia in conducting co-branding & sponsorship which is expected to increase Bobotoh's awareness of PermataSharia's brand and to utilizing PermataBank Sharia products & services. Using Marketing Communication Theory from Philip Kotler and the Balance Theory from Fritz Heider, the research used a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive format. The results of the study discussed the co-branding and sponsorship execution run by PermataBank Sharia, starting from the planning, implementation and program evaluation stages. Thus, the researcher was able to obtain a descriptive description of the promotional activities of PermataBank Sharia in conducting cobranding & sponsorship which is expected to increase Bobotoh's awareness of PermataSharia's brand and to utilize PermataBank Sharia products and services. Co-branding activities in the promotional mix implemented by PermataBank Sharia and PERSIB are effective enough to gain Bobotoh awareness and result in the acquisition of new accounts. While sponsorship activities carried out by PermataBank Sharia are proven to support PermataBank Sharia in obtaining marketing publicity and can access PERSIB's commercial potential to be exploited and optimized. Keywords: PermataBank Sharia, PERSIB, Bobotoh, co-branding, sponsorship, promotion mix, awareness. Persaingan pemasaran di industri perbankan yang semakin ultrakompetitif, menjadi trigger bagi Unit Usaha Syariah PT Bank Permata Tbk (PermataBank Syariah) untuk berpromosi dengan cara yang belum pernah dilakukan sebelumnya yaitu melakukan inisiatif sport sponsorship kepada klub sepakbola PERSIB. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui aktivitas bauran promosi PermataBank Syariah dalam melakukan co-branding & sponsorship yang diharapkan akan meningkatkan awareness Bobotoh pada brand PermataSyariah hingga melakukan action memanfaatkan produk & layanan PermataBank Syariah. Menggunakan Teori Komunikasi Pemasaran dari Philip Kotler dan menggunakan Teori Keseimbangan dari Fritz Heider, Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan format deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian membahas eksekusi co-branding & sponsorship yang dijalankan oleh PermataBank Syariah, mulai tahap perencanaan, implementasi hingga evaluasi program. Dengan demikian Peneliti mampu memperoleh gambaran deskriptif mengenai aktivitas bauran promosi PermataBank Syariah dalam melakukan co-branding & sponsorship yang diharapkan meningkatkan awareness Bobotoh terhadap brand PermataSyariah dan melakukan action untuk memanfaatkan produk dan layanan PermataBank Syariah. Aktivitas co-branding dalam bauran promosi yang diimplementasikan oleh PermataBank Syariah dan PERSIB cukup efektif mendapatkan awareness Bobotoh dan menghasilkan akuisisi rekening baru. Sedangkan aktivitas sponsorship yang dilakukan oleh PermataBank Syariah terbukti mendukung PermataBank Syariah memperoleh marketing publicity dan dapat mengakses potensi komersial PERSIB untuk dieksploitasi dan dioptimalkan. Kata kunci : PermataBank Syariah, PERSIB, Bobotoh, co-branding, sponsorship, bauran promosi, awareness.
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