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The Instagram account @officialgtvid serves as a crucial communication channel between GTV and its audience, making it essential to understand how social media management plays a role in promoting GTV programs. This research aims to explore the management of the Instagram account @officialgtvid as a communication medium for promoting GTV programs. This study employs the 4C theory by Chris Heuer, which includes context, communication, collaboration, and connection. The research methodology used is qualitative. The sampling method used is purposive sampling, consisting of 3 informants from the New Media Section in the GTV Promo Department and 3 informants from the followers. Data analysis techniques include data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results show that @officialgtvid applies context by focusing on GTV programs being promoted, tailoring visuals, post language, viral trends, broadcast schedules, and best cut scenes to enhance audience interaction. In terms of communication, @officialgtvid engages with followers through comments, direct messages (DMs), and interactive features such as quizzes, polls, and calls to action (CTA) to boost audience involvement. Collaboration is also conducted with external parties, such as influencers, celebrities, or artists, by utilizing Instagram features like live sessions and collaborative posts to expand promotional reach. The connection aspect reveals that @officialgtvid has built sustainable connections with its audience through personal interactions and interactive activities such as giveaways, watch-and-win campaigns, and calls to action, while actively responding to criticism and suggestions through comments and DMs. However, feedback from followers suggests a need for more responsiveness to their comments and requests. Positive and responsive interactions can build a solid connection and enhance audience engagement. The management of the Instagram account @officialgtvid, based on the factors of context, communication, collaboration, and connection, has proven to be an effective strategy for promoting GTV programs. Keywords: Management, Instagram, Promotion, GTV Programs Akun Instagram @officialgtvid adalah salah satu saluran komunikasi penting antara GTV dan pemirsanya, sehingga penting untuk memahami pengelolaan media sosial berperan sebagai media promosi program GTV. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengelolaan akun instagram @officialgtvid sebagai media komunikasi promosi program GTV. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori 4C yaitu context, communication, collaboration, dan connection oleh Chris Heuer. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan Purposive Sampling yaitu 3 informan dari New Media Section di Departemen Promo GTV dan 3 informan dari followers. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa @officialgtvid menerapkan context berfokus program GTV yang dipromosikan menyesuaikan visual, bahasa postingan, tren viral, jadwal tayang dan potongan adegan menarik (best cut) program untuk meningkatkan interaksi penonton. Communication pengelolaan @officialgtvid dengan interaksi melalui komentar dan direct message DM, serta fitur interaktif seperti kuis, polling, dan call to action (CTA) dimanfaatkan untuk meningkatkan keterlibatan audiens. Collaboration juga dilakukan dengan pihak eksternal, seperti influencer, selebriti, atau artis dengan memanfaatkan fitur Instagram seperti live session dan kolaborasi posting untuk memperluas jangkauan promosi. Connection @officialgtvid telah membangun koneksi berkelanjutan dengan audiens melalui interaksi personal dan kegiatan interaktif seperti giveaway, watch and win, serta call to action, serta aktif menanggapi kritik dan saran melalui komentar dan DM. Namun penilaian dari followers ingin lebih responsif dalam menanggapi komentar atau permintaan mereka. Interaksi positif dan responsif dapat membangun koneksi yang solid dan meningkatkan engagement audiens. Pengelolaan media sosial akun instagram @officialgtvid dengan didasari faktor context, communication, collaboration, dan connection menjadi strategi yang efektif untuk mempromosikan program GTV. Kata Kunci : Pengelolaan, Instagram, Promosi, Program GTV
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