PENGARUH CONTENT INSTAGRAM @linebankid TERHADAP BRAND AWARENESS PADA APLIKASI LINE BANK (Survey Pada Mahasiswa FIKOM Universitas Mercu Buana Angkatan 2020-2023)

ADITYA, HERZA TRI (2024) PENGARUH CONTENT INSTAGRAM @linebankid TERHADAP BRAND AWARENESS PADA APLIKASI LINE BANK (Survey Pada Mahasiswa FIKOM Universitas Mercu Buana Angkatan 2020-2023). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.

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The development of technology today facilitates the communication process with the internet and one of the fields of internet technology that is growing rapidly today is social media, especially Instagram. Currently, many companies use Instagram to market their products and services in increasing brand awareness, one of which is LINE Bank. LINE Bank as a digital banking today certainly has to increase their brand awareness among the public in order to survive and it is necessary to implement communication strategies through social media, one of which is the dissemination of information through Instagram content @linebankid. This type of research is quantitative research with survey method and purposive sampling technique. The survey was conducted on 94 students of FIKOM Universitas Mercu Buana class of 2020-2023. The data analysis techniques used in this study are validity and reliability tests, simple linear regression tests, correlation tests, coefficient of determination, and hypothesis testing (T test). The results showed that there was a positive or strong influence of social media content on brand awareness of 49.3%. The correlation coefficient test results are r = 0.702 with this value it can be interpreted that the relationship between social media content variables (X) has a strong relationship to brand awareness (Y). The regression test results show the value of Variable Y is 10.215 and is positive so that Variable Y increases by 0.763. In the hypothesis test, the results obtained Sig. 0.000 <0.050, meaning that it can be concluded that Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected and shows that the social media content variable Instagram has a significant positive effect on the brand awareness variable. Keywords: Social Media Content, Instagram, Brand Awareness Perkembangan teknologi saat ini mempermudah proses komunikasi dengan adanya internet dan salah satu bidang teknologi internet yang berkembang pesat saat ini adalah media sosial khususnya Instagram. Saat ini banyak perusahaan yang menggunakan Instagram untuk memasarkan produk dan jasa mereka dalam meningkatkan brand awareness salah satunya LINE Bank. LINE Bank sebagai digital banking saat ini tentunya harus meningkatkan brand awareness mereka di kalangan masyarakat agar bisa bertahan dan perlu adanya penerapan strategi komunikasi melalui media sosial salah satunya yaitu penyebaran informasi melalui konten Instagram @linebankid. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kuantitatif dengan metode survey dan teknik penarikan sampel purposive sampling. Survey dilakukan pada 94 orang mahasiswa FIKOM Universitas Mercu Buana angkatan 2020-2023. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu uji validitas dan reliabilitas, uji regresi linear sederhana, uji korelasi, koefisien determinan, dan uji hipotesis (uji T) Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat pengaruh yang positif atau kuat social media content terhadap brand awareness sebesar 49,3%. Hasil uji koefisien korelasi yaitu r = 0,702 dengan nilai tersebut dapat diartikan bahwa hubungan variabel social media content (X) mempunyai hubungan yang kuat terhadap brand awareness (Y). Hasil uji regresi menunjukan nilai Variabel Y sebesar 10,215 dan bernilai positif sehingga Variabel Y naik sebesar 0,763. Dalam uji hipotesis, didapatkan hasil nilai Sig. 0,000 < 0,050, artinya sehingga dapat disimpulkan Ha diterima dan H0 ditolak dan menunjukkan variabel social media content Instagram berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap variabel brand awareness. Kata Kunci: Konten Media Sosial, Instagram, Brand Awareness

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FK/PR. 24 164
Call Number: SK/42/24/086
NIM/NIDN Creators: 44220010153
Uncontrolled Keywords: Konten Media Sosial, Instagram, Brand Awareness
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 000. Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 006 Special Computer Methods/Metode Komputer Tertentu > 006.7 Multimedia Systems/Sistem-sistem Multimedia > 006.75 Social Multimedia/Multimedia Social > 006.754 Online Social Network/Situs Jejaring Sosial, Sosial Media
000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 010 Bibliography/Bibliografi > 011 General Bibliographies/Bibliografi Umum > 011.7 General Bibliographies of Works Having Specific Kinds of Content/Bibliografi Umum Pekerjaan yang Memiliki Jenis Konten Tertentu
600 Technology/Teknologi > 650 Management, Public Relations, Business and Auxiliary Service/Manajemen, Hubungan Masyarakat, Bisnis dan Ilmu yang Berkaitan
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi > Hubungan Masyarakat
Depositing User: khalimah
Date Deposited: 19 Aug 2024 09:35
Last Modified: 19 Aug 2024 09:35

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