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Film as a representation of social reality can influence individual psychosocial changes because the scenes depicted in the film trigger the brain's processes to perceive and understand the meaning of the film's message presented. This study examines a film titled Miracle In Cell No 7, which tells the story of a father named Dodo Rozak who has intellectual disabilities (mental illness) and deeply loves his daughter, but he is falsely accused of a crime and sent to prison. In the film Miracle In Cell No 7, there are aspects that indicate the psychosocial changes in characters presented through expressions, gestures, and the techniques of recording scenes in the film. These aspects will be analyzed from the snippets of the film scenes. The purpose of this research is to analyze the meaning of psychosocial representation in the film Miracle In Cell No 7. The research paradigm used in this study is the critical paradigm with a qualitative approach and John Fiske's semiotic analysis method consisting of three levels: reality level, representative level, and ideological level. The researcher used 7 scenes containing representations of psychosocial meanings as the unit of analysis. Based on the research results, it is shown that in the film Miracle In Cell No 7, the psychosocial aspects of the character Dodo are clearly demonstrated in reality, representation, and ideology. In the reality level, psychosocial meanings are marked through elements of expression and gesture. In the representative level, it is marked by using medium shot, medium close up, close up, and dialogue. In the ideological level, emphasis is placed on the ideologies of pessimism and social class. Keywords: Representation, Psychosocial, Semiotics, Ideology, Film Film sebagai representasi realitas sosial dapat mempengaruhi perubahan psikososial individu karena adegan-adegan film yang digambarkan memicu proses kinerja otak untuk mempersepsi dan memahami makna pesan film yang disajikan. Penelitian ini meneliti sebuah film yang berjudul Miracle In Cell No 7 dengan kisah seorang ayah bernama Dodo Rozak mengidap disabilitas intelektual (mental illness) yang sangat mencintai putrinya, namun ia dituduh melakukan kejahatan hingga dikirim ke penjara. Dalam film Miracle In Cell No 7 terdapat aspek-aspek yang menandakan perubahan psikososial karakter yang disajikan melalui ekspresi, gestur hingga teknik perekaman adegan dalam film tersebut. Hal inilah nantinya akan dianalisis dari potongan-potongan adegan film tersebut. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pemaknaan representasi psikososial dalam film Miracle In Cell No 7. Paradigma penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah paradigma kritis dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode analisis semiotika John Fiske yang terdiri dari tiga level, yaitu level realtias, level representatif dan level ideologi. Adapun unit analisis yang digunakan peneliti terdapat 7 scene yang mengandung representasi makna psikososial. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam film Miracle In Cell No 7 aspek psikososial pada karakter Dodo cukup jelas ditunjukkan pada level realitas, representatif dan ideologi. Pada level realitas makna psikososial ditandai melalui elemen ekspresi dan gestur. Pada level representatif ditandai dengan teknik medium shot, medium close up dan close up, serta dialog. Pada level ideologi ditekankan melalui ideologi pesimisme dan ideologi kelas sosial. Kata Kunci : Representasi, Psikososial, Semiotika, Ideologi, Film
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