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Toba Healthcare is a company in Indonesia that is engaged in the pharmaceutical sector where the main focus is drug manufacturers, distributing drugs and developing and researching in the health sector, assisted by sales personnel called medical representatives to promote the company's products to doctors so that doctors can write prescriptions to patients. However, in the current Covid-19 pandemic conditions, medical representatives have difficulty meeting doctors because some doctors cannot meet and have to keep their distance. for office reports. Many of the medical representatives during the covid-19 pandemic became unproductive because most doctors could not be found to provide proof of visits. In this case, Toba Healthcare requires technology that can overcome existing problems and can control medical representatives while in the field, so based on these needs, a Medical Representative Visit Application was made to bridge the company's needs in recording performance results and monitoring medical representatives. The Medical Representative Visit application is made based on the agile modeling method in which there are stages of development in the form of planning, needs analysis, application design design, implementation. These stages are used to support and simplify the process of making applications according to company needs. The application that will be made utilizes location recognition, cameras, and drawing signatures in monitoring medical representatives in the field. The results of these stages will produce an Android-based Medical Representative Visiting Application that features MEDREP visits, visit reports, product information, and sales updates. Toba Healthcare merupakan sebuah perusahaan di Indonesia yang bergerak dalam bidang farmasi dimana fokus utamanya adalah produsen obat – obatan, mendistribusikan obat dan mengembangkan serta meneliti dalam bidang kesehatan, dibantu tenaga penjualan yang disebut medical representative untuk mempromosikan produk – produk dari perusahaan kepada dokter sehingga dokter dapat menuliskan resep obat kepada pasien. Namun dalam kondisi pandemi covid-19 saat ini medical representative mengalami kesulitan dalam bertemu dengan dokter karena beberapa dokter tidak bisa bertemu dan harus menjaga jarak, sebelum pandemi covid-19 medical representative saat bertemu dengan dokter diwajibkan memberikan bukti kunjungan berupa tanda tangan pada media form kertas untuk laporan kekantor. Banyak dari medical representative selama pandemi covid-19 menjadi tidak produktif karena sebagian besar dokter tidak bisa ditemui untuk memberikan bukti kunjungan. Dalam hal ini, Toba Healthcare membutuhkan teknologi yang dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang ada dan dapat mengontrol medical representative saat berada dilapangan, maka berdasarkan kebutuhan tersebut dibuatlah Aplikasi Kunjungan Medical Representative untuk menjembatani kebutuhan perusahaan dalam merekam hasil kinerja dan monitoring medical representative. Aplikasi Kunjungan Medical Representative dibuat berdasarkan metode agile modelling yang didalamnya terdapat tahapan pengembangan berupa perencanaan, analisa kebutuhan, perancangan desain aplikasi, implementasi. Tahapan tersebut digunakan untuk menunjang dan mempermudah proses pembuatan aplikasi sesuai dengan kebutuhan perusahaan. Aplikasi yang akan dibuat memanfaatkan pengenalan lokasi, kamera, dan drawing signature dalam memonitoring medical representative dilapangan. Hasil dari tahapan – tahapan tersebut akan menghasilkan Aplikasi Kunjungan Medical Representative berbasis android yang memiliki fitur kunjungan medrep, laporan kunjungan, informasi produk, dan sales update.
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