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It was reported from the International Coffee Organization (ICO, 2021) that data was obtained that in 2018-2019 coffee consumption in Indonesia reached 50.97%. The increasing percentage of coffee consumption in Indonesia is a great opportunity for coffee shop business people to compete to be at the forefront and carry out several strategies to increase sales, including marketing public relations strategies. According to Thomas L. Harris, in general there are three strategies (three-way strategy), namely the pull strategy, push strategy and passing strategy. One of the coffee shops that implements a public relations marketing strategy is Margin Coffee & Eatery which is located on Jl. Petogogan 1 Rata No.19A South Jakarta, based on this background, the researcher conducted research with the aim of research to determine Margin Coffee & Eatery's Marketing Public Relations strategy in building brand awareness.In this research, researchers use a constructivist paradigm to understand and describe meaningful social actions. As well as using descriptive - qualitative research methods, researchers conducted in-depth interviews with internal sources who are Margin Coffee & Eatery's marketing staff and the owner of Margin Coffee & Eatery as well as 2 external sources who are Margin Coffee & Eatery customers and new customers.Based on the results of interview research conducted, it was found that Margin Coffee & Eatery has carried out several strategies in three ways, namely pull strategy, push strategy and pass strategy, and Margin Coffee & Eatery's public relations marketing strategy can build brand awareness to second customers, but there are several factors. . Another thing that makes Margin Coffee & Eatery not so popular is due to location, marketing budget and lack of outreach via social media. Keywords: Marketing, Marketing Public Relations, Brand Awareness Dilansir dari data International Coffee Organization (ICO, 2021) di dapatkan data bahwa pada tahun 2018-2019 konsumsi kopi di Indonesia mencapai angka 50,97%. Meningkatnya persentasi konsumsi kopi di Indonesia ini dijadikan peluang yang besar bagi para pelaku bisnis coffee shop untuk berlomba-lomba menjadi yang terdepan dan melakukan beberapa strategi untuk meningkatkan penjualan termasuk dengan strategi marketing public relations. Menurut Thomas L. Harris secara garis besarnya terdapat tiga strategi (Three ways strategi) yaitu pull strategy, push strategy dan pass strategy. Salah satu Coffee Shop yang menjalankan strategi marketing public relations adalah Margin Coffee & Eatery yang berada Jl. Petogogan 1 Rata No.19A Jakarta Selatan, berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut maka peneliti melakukan penelitian dengan tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui strategi Marketing Public Relations Margin Coffee & Eatery dalam membangun brand awareness. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan paradigma konstrukstivistik untuk memahami dan mendeskripsikan tindakan sosial yang penuh makna. Serta menggunakan metode penelitian deskriptif – kualitatif, peneliti melakukan wawancara mendalam kepada narasumber internal yang merupakan pihak marketing Margin Coffee & Eatery dan Owner dari Margin Coffee & Eatery serta 2 narasumber eksternal yang merupakan pelanggan Margin Coffee & Eatery serta pelanggan baru.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian wawancara yang dilakukan di dapatkan bahwa Margin Coffee & Eatery telah melakukan beberapa strategi melalui three ways yaitu pull strategy, push strategy dan pass strategy, dan strategi marketing public relations Margin Coffee & Eatery dapat membangun brand awareness kepada kedua pelanggan namun ada beberapa faktor lain yang membuat Margin Coffee & Eatery tidak begitu ramai yaitu karena faktor lokasi, budget marketing dan kurangnya sosialisasi melalui social media. Kata Kunci: Marketing, Marketing Public Relation, Brand Awarness
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