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BPJS Employment/BPJamsostek is trusted as a partner of the Ministry of Manpower in the BSU (Wage Subsidy Assistance) program in handling the impact of Covid-19 on workers. BPJamsostek is tasked with starting from determining potential recipients to managing and conveying information and monitoring publications in various media. This case is interesting because of the coordination between institutions and companies, and especially the media relations program which requires the role of Public Relations. The purpose of this research is to determine the role of BPJamsostek Public Relations in carrying out media relations related to BSU. The theories used in this research include organizational communication, public relations, the role and function of public relations, publications, audiences and media relations. Research paradigm, post positivism with descriptive qualitative methods and a case study approach. To obtain primary data through interviews with Informants & Key Informants, namely Budi Hananto as Assistant Deputy for Public Relations & Brian Radiastra as Main Director of Public Relations for BPJS Employment because the person concerned is the implementer of Public Relations duties at BPJS Employment The research results show that the role of BPJS Employment public relations in media relations activities in the Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU) program for workers is to compile or create news narratives in the form of press releases, distribute press releases to media that collaborate with BPJS Employment and in activities Wage Subsidy Assistance (BSU), serving requests for information/media interviews to leadership, monitoring publications in various media. From these findings, it can be concluded that the role of BPJS Employment Public Relations is to act as a Communication Technician or carry out the role as technical implementer of the Media Relations program. Keywords: Organizational Communication, The Role of Public Relations, Media Relations, Wage Subsidy Assistance BPJS Ketenagakerjaan/BPJamsostek dipercaya sebagai partner Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan dalam program BSU (Bantuan Subsidi Upah) dalam Penanganan Dampak Covid-19 terhadap pekerja. BPJamsostek bertugas mulai menentukan calon penerima sampai kepada mengelola, dan menyampaikan informasi dan memantau publikasi di berbagai media. Kasus ini menarik karena adanya koordinasi lintas lembaga dan perusahaan, serta khususnya program media relations yang memerlukan peran Humas. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui Peran Humas BPJamsostek dalam menjalankan Media relations terkait BSU. Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya adalah komunikasi organisasi, humas, peran dan fungsi humas, publikasi, khalayak dan media relations. Paradigma penelitian, post positivisme dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dan pendekatan Studi Kasus. Untuk mendapatkan data primer melalui wawancara dengan Informan & Key Informan, yakni kepada Budi Hananto selaku Asisten Deputi Bidang Humas & Brian Radiastra selaku Penata Utama Humas BPJS Ketenagakerjaan karena yang bersangkutan adalah sebagai pelaksana tugas Humas di BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan, peran humas BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dalam kegiatan media relations pada program Bantuan Subsidi Upah (BSU) bagi pekerja adalah menyusun atau membuat narasi berita dalam bentuk press release, menyebarkan press release ke media-media yang bekerjasama dengan BPJS Ketenagakerjaan dan di kegiatan-kegiatan Bantuan Subsidi Upah (BSU), melayani permintaan informasi/wawancara media ke pimpinan, monitoring publikasi di berbagai media. Dari temuan tersebut maka disimpulkan peran Humas BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, yaitu berperan sebagai Communication Technician atau menjalankankan peran sebagai pelaksana teknis program Media Relations. Kata Kunci: Komunikasi Organisasi, Peran Humas, Media Relations, Bantuan Subsidi Upah (BSU)
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