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Cybercrime with the type of love scam or commonly referred to as love fraud is an online-based gender violence that uses social media, matchmaking applications and other virtual world features to exploit victims for specific purposes. The documentary film entitled The Tinder Swindler is busy being discussed by many people because it is based on a true story about a love scam. Based on this, the researcher is interested in analyzing how audiences interpret love scam in the Tinder Swindler film. This qualitative research uses Stuart Hall's reception analysis method with a constructivist paradigm. In collecting data, semi-structured interviews were used, while for the validity of the data, triangulation of data sources and documentation was used. The results of this study explain that of the 3 types of meaning according to Stuart Hall, it can be seen that the first and fourth informants occupy the dominanthegemonic position because all broadcasts are in accordance with the informants' understanding. While the second and third informants occupy negotiated positions because there are shows that are appropriate and also not in accordance with the informants' understanding of the love scam that occurred in the film The Tinder Swindler. There were no informants with oppositional positions because the informants fully agreed and partly agreed with the content or message regarding the love scam in the film The Tinder Swindler. In addition, based on the results of the interviews it was concluded that based on the 6 stages of love scam, the film The Tinder Swindler fulfills 4 stages. Where the 4 stages are Motivation to Find The "Ideal Partner", Presentation of an Ideal Profile, Grooming; Testing The Waters & Money Request. Keyword: Cybercrime, Love Scam, The Audience’s Meaning, Film Cybercrime dengan jenis love scam atau biasanya disebut sebagai penipuan berkedok cinta merupakan kekerasan gender berbasis online yang menggunakan media sosial, aplikasi pencarian jodoh dan fitur-fitur dunia maya lainnya untuk mengeksploitasi korban dengan tujuan-tujuan tertentu. Film dokumenter berjudul the Tinder Swindler yang ramai diperbincangkan banyak orang karena diangkat dari kisah nyata mengenai love scam. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, peneliti tertarik untuk menganalisa terkait bagaimana pemaknaan khalayak terhadap love scam pada film the Tinder Swindler. Penelitian kualitatif ini menggunakan metode analisis resepsi Stuart Hall dengan paradigma konstruktivis. Dalam mengumpulkan data, digunakan wawancara semi terstruktur sedangkan untuk keabsahan data, digunakan triangulasi sumber data dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa dari 3 jenis pemaknaan menurut Stuart Hall, dapat diketahui bahwa informan pertama dan keempat menduduki posisi dominant-hegemonic position karena seluruh tayangan sangat sesuai dengan pemahaman informan. Sedangkan informan kedua dan ketiga menduduki posisi negotiated-position karena terdapat tayangan yang sesuai dan juga tidak sesuai dengan pemahaman informan mengenai love scam yang terjadi pada film the Tinder Swindler. Tidak ada informan dengan posisi oppositional dikarenakan para informan seluruhnya setuju dan juga setuju sebagian dengan isi atau pesan mengenai love scam pada film the Tinder Swindler. Selain itu, berdasarkan hasil wawancara disimpulkan bahwa berdasarkan 6 tahapan love scam, film The Tinder Swindler memenuhi 4 tahapan. Dimana 4 tahapan tersebut adalah Motivation to Find The “Ideal Partner”, Presentation of an Ideal Profile, Grooming; Testing The Waters & Money Request. Kata kunci: Cybercrime, Love Scam, Pemaknaan, Film
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