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Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo as the Princess of Indonesian Tourism needs to build a prominent self-image. As an information actor in the Indonesian tourism sector, Jessy is able to apply personal branding concepts to promote tourist destinations. The purpose of this research is to find out followers' reception of personal branding carried out by Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo in content on her Instagram account @jessysilanawong in April 2021 – December 2021. The research method uses Struat Hall's Reception Analysis including dominant hegemonic positions, negotiations, and opposition. In this study, researchers used eight personal branding concepts put forward by Peter Montoya, namely specialization, leadership, personality, difference, appearance, unity, firmness and good name. This study uses a constructivist paradigm. Data were obtained by interviewing through focus group discussions on followers @jessysilanawong. In this study using the validity of source triangulation data. The results showed that the informants accepted Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo's positive personal branding, the informants interpreted that Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo had extensive knowledge, was able to introduce Indonesian tourism to Indonesian culture, a simple, cheerful, creative, consistent and confident personality. The dominant hegemonic position is found in the concept of specialization, the concept of personality, the concept of appearance, the concept of firmness and the concept of good name. In the negotiating position there were 3 informants on the concept of leadership and 1 informant on the concept of unity. While in the opposition position there is 1 informant on the concept of difference. It was found that the meaning of the message was interpreted differently. The difference is influenced by factors of experience, knowledge, and personal values. Keywords: Public Relations, Personal Brand, Followers Reception, Instagram, Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo sebagai Putri Pariwisata Indonesia perlu membangun citra diri yang menonjol. Sebagai pelaku informasi sektor pariwisata Indonesia Jessy mampu menerapkan konsep – konsep personal branding untuk mempromosikan destinasi wisata. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui resepsi followers terhadap personal branding yang dilakukan oleh Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo dalam konten di akun Instagram miliknya @jessysilanawong pada bulan April 2021 – Desember 2021. Metode penelitian menggunakan Analisis Resepsi milik Struat Hall meliputi posisi hegemoni dominan, negosiasi, dan oposisi. Dalam penelitian ini peneliti menggunakan delapan konsep personal branding yang dikemukakan oleh Peter Montoya yaitu spesialisasi, kepemimpinan, kepribadian, perbedaan, kenampakan, kesatuan, keteguhan dan nama baik. Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma Konstruktivis. Data diperoleh dengan wawancara melalui focus group discussion pada followes @jessysilanawong. Pada penelitian ini menggunakan keabsahan data triangulasi sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa informan menerima personal branding Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo yang positif, informan memaknai bahwa Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo memiliki pengetahuan yang luas, mampu memperkenalkan pariwisata Indonesia hingga budaya Indonesia, pribadi yang sederhana, ceria, kreatif, konsisten dan percaya diri. Posisi hegemoni dominannya terdapat pada konsep spesialisasi, konsep kepribadian, konsep kenampakan, konsep keteguhan dan konsep nama baik. Di posisi negosiasi terdapat 3 informan pada konsep kepemimpinan dan 1 informan pada konsep kesatuan. Sedangkan diposisi oposisi terdapat 1 informan pada konsep perbedaan. Didapatkan bahwa pemaknaan pesan dimaknai berbeda. Perbedaan itu dipengaruhi oleh faktor pengalaman, pengetahuan, dan nilai – nilai personal. Kata Kunci : Public Relations, Personal Brand, Resepsi Followers, Instagram, Jessy Silana Wongsodihardjo
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