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This applicative final project aims to provide information through visual images from documentary films to increase public awareness and concern and see the positive side of the stool suctioning profession. Titled VISUALIZATION IN "WASTE OF YOUR FORTUNE" (A DOCUMENTARY OF LIFE), this documentary film tells the story of a desludging worker who undertakes this profession to provide for his family. In this film, the resource person tells about his experience in getting into this job, starting from the first time he worked as a desludging worker until now. In making this documentary, the writer went through several stages, such as preproduction, production to post-production. Each process of making this film has different specifications. When producing this documentary film, the camera person uses several supporting tools such as cameras, drones, tripods, gimbals, lighting and audio mics. There are several types of composition and type shot. The composition uses triangulation and the rule of thirds. Type shot uses Extreme Long Shot, Long Shot, Medium Shot, Medium Close Up and Close Up. The results of this final project are made in a documentary film format because they can tell actual facts without engineering, so they can tell the real experience of the desludging profession. The camera person gains a lot of new knowledge and experience about how a documentary film is produced, especially regarding shooting techniques such as image size, image composition, image framing and camera movement which greatly impact the information we will provide, whether it is conveyed properly or not. to the viewer or audience. Keyword : Limbahmu Rezekiku, Documentary Film, Camera Person, Composition, Type Shot, Desludging Worker Karya tugas akhir aplikatif ini bertujuan memberikan informasi melalui visual gambar dari film dokumenter untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat serta melihat sisi positif dari profesi sedot tinja. Dengan judul VISUALISASI DALAM “LIMBAHMU REZEKIKU” (SEBUAH DOKUMENTER KEHIDUPAN), Film dokumenter ini bercerita seorang pekerja sedot tinja yang menjalani profesi ini demi menafkahi keluarga nya. Dalam film ini narasumber bercerita mengenai pengalaman bagaimana ia menggeluti pekerjaan ini, mulai dari awal pertama ia bekerja sebagai pekerja sedot tinja hingga sekarang. Dalam pembuatan film dokumenter ini, penulis melalui beberapa tahapan seperti praproduksi, produksi sampai pasca produksi. Setiap proses pembuatan film ini memiliki spesifikasi yang berbeda-beda. Saat produksi film dokumenter ini juru kamera menggunakan beberapa alat pendukung seperti kamera, drone, tripod, gimbal, lighting dan mic audio. Komposisi dan Tipe Shot yang digunakan ada beberapa macam. Komposisi menggunakan triangulasi dan rule of thirds. Tipe Shot menggunakan Extreme Long Shot, Long Shot, Medium Shot, Medium Close Up dan Close Up. Hasil karya tugas akhir ini dibuat dengan format film dokumenter karena dapat menuturkan fakta-fakta sebenarnya tanpa perekayasaan, sehingga mampu menceritakan pengalaman nyata profesi sedot tinja. juru kamera mendapatkan banyak sekali ilmu dan pengalaman baru tentang bagaimana suatu proses film dokumenter itu diproduksi, terutama mengenai teknis pengambilan gambar seperti ukuran gambar, komposisi gambar, framing gambar dan pergerakan kamera yang sangat berdampak pada informasi yang akan kami berikan, tersampaikan dengan baik atau tidak terhadap penonton atau audiens. Kata Kunci : Limbahmu Rezekiku, Film Dokumenter, Juru Kamera, Komposisi, Tipe Shot, Sedot Tinja

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FK/BRD. 23 082
Call Number: SK/41/23/052
NIM/NIDN Creators: 44119010037
Uncontrolled Keywords: Limbahmu Rezekiku, Film Dokumenter, Juru Kamera, Komposisi, Tipe Shot, Sedot Tinja
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 070 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1-070.9 Standard Subdivisions of Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Subdivisi Standar Dari Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita > 070.19 Broadcast Media/Media Broadcast
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 770 Photography and Photographs/Seni Fotografi dan Foto > 778 Specific Fields of Photography/Bidang-bidang Khusus Seni Fotografi > 778.5 Cinematography, Video Production, Related Activities/Sinematografi, Produksi Video, dan Kegiatan Terkait
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 790 Recreational and Performing Arts/Olah Raga dan Seni Pertunjukan > 791 Public Performances/Pertunjukan Umum > 791.4 Motion Pictures, Radio, Television/Gambar Gerak, Radio, Televisi > 791.43 Motion Pictures, Movies, Cinema/Bioskop, Movie, Film Hiburan, Sinema
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi > Penyiaran
Date Deposited: 05 Oct 2023 06:18
Last Modified: 05 Oct 2023 06:18

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