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Najwa Shihab's Personal Branding in the Vlog of Najwa's Notes on YouTube The figure of Najwa Shihab has many achievements in the field of journalism, Najwa Shihab's personal branding in the minds of the audience. This study aims to determine the personal branding of Najwa Shihab through the Vlog of Najwa's Notes on YouTube. This research is qualitative by using constructivist paradigm, the method used is descriptive case study using interview and documentation data collection process. This research uses McNally's personal branding theory, The Medium is The Massage, Selective Influence (Selective Exposure). Personal Branding Najwa Shihab includes 3 characteristics, distinctive; Intelligent, Politician, Perfectionist, Smart, Honest, Ambitious, Assertive, Critical, Inspirational, Independent, Courageous. Relevant; Journalist background, Positioning himself as a community, Representing activists in opinion, Family factors, Education factors, Education factors, Friendship factors Interpreting a good image, Upholding justice. Consistent; . Najwa Shihab is known as one of the senior journalists in the country for his success in guiding his television programs so that Najwa Shihab's career journey has brought him at a turning point and has an influence in the world he is engaged in, namely Najwa Shihab's consistent journalism to develop his personal branding into a very strong point Najwa Shihab more and more people know and admire. The Medium is The Massage YouTube media message about Najwa Shihab's personal branding in Najwa's Vlog Notes. Selective Exposure of Najwa Shihab's personal branding in the Vlog of Najwa's notes that affect everyday life. Keywords: Personal Branding, The Medium is The Massage, Selective Exposure, Najwa Shihab Personal Branding Najwa Shihab dalam Vlog Catatan Najwa di YouTube Sosok Najwa Shihab memiliki banyak prestasi dibidang jurnalistik personal branding Najwa Shihab dalam benak khalayak Vlog Catatan Najwa memiliki resepsi yang berbeda-beda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui personal branding Najwa Shihab melalui Vlog Catatan Najwa di YouTube. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif dengan menggunakan paradigma kontruktivis, metode yang digunakan studi kasus deskriptif dengan menggunakan proses pengumpulan data wawancara dan dokumentasi. Penelitian inimenggunakan landasan teori personal branding McNally, The Medium is The Massage, Selective Influence (Selective Exposure). Personal Branding Najwa Shihab meliputi 3 karakteristik, khas; Cerdas, Politikus, Perfectionis, Pintar, Jujur, Ambisius, Tegas, Kritis, Inspiratif, Mandiri, Berani. Relevan; Background jurnalis, Memposisikan dirinya sebagai masyarakat, Mewakili aktivis dalam beropini, Faktor keluarga, Faktor pendidikan, Faktor pendidikan, Faktor Pertemanan Menginterpretasikan citra baik, Menjunjung tinggi keadilan. Konsisten; . Najwa Shihab dikenal sebagai salah satu jurnalis senior di tanah air kesuksesannya dalam memandu program acaranya di televisi sehingga perjalanan karir Najwa Shihab membawanya pada titik perubahan dan memiliki pengaruh di dunia yang tekuninya yakni jurnalistik konsistensi Najwa Shihab untuk mengembangkan personal brandingnya menjadi pokok yang sangat kuat Najwa Shihab semakin banyak dikenal banyak orang dan kagumi. The Medium is The Massage pesan media YouTube mengenai personal branding Najwa Shihab dalam Vlog Catatan Najwa. Selective Exposure personal branding Najwa Shihab dalam Vlog Catatan Najwa yang mempengaruhi kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci : Personal Branding, The Medium is The Massage, Selective Exposure, Najwa Shihab
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