PERMANA, ANDIKA SURYA (2023) REPRESENTASI MISE-EN-SCENE DISKRIMINASI TERHADAP PEREMPUAN DALAM FILM “IMPERFECT” (Studi Analisis Semiotika Roland Barthes). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
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Discrimination in Indonesia often occurs widely. Discrimination that occurs against women has an impact on following the violence experienced by women in various fields of life. In Indonesia, women are valued as someone who is vulnerable to violence. This research was conducted with the aim of knowing discrimination against women through Mise En Scene represented in the film Imperfect. The researcher used a descriptive qualitative approach which produced descriptive data by conveying words or spoken words and behaviors that could be observed in the Imperfect film. The paradigm used is the critical paradigm, in order to dissect every Mise En Scene which concerns discrimination against women in a critical and comprehensive manner. The research method uses Roland Barthes' semiotic method. Researcher data collection techniques, namely from the results of observations / observations, literature and documentation. The process of analyzing the data in this study will be carried out in the first stages of identifying signs of discrimination or discrimination against women depicted in the film Imperfect. The results of the study suggest that discrimination against women is seen from the elements of mise en scene, namely setting, lighting, costumes and makeup, camera angles, and type of shot, and actors are described as through eyes, facial expressions when seeing something unattractive, said in a public place, namely in an office with bright and dim lighting. Keywords: Mise en scene, representation, discrimination against women, semiotics, Imperfect. penelitian menggunakan metode semiotika Roland Barthes. Teknik pengumpulan data peneliti, yaitu dari hasil pengamatan/observasi, studi pustaka dan dokumentasi. Proses analisis data dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan beberapa tahap pertama mengidentifikasi tanda tentang diskriminasi ataupun diskriminasi terhadap perempuan yang digambarkan dalam film Imperfect. Hasil penelitian mengemukakan bahwa diksriminasi terhadap perempuan dilihat dari unsur mise en scene yaitu setting, lighting (pecahayaan), kostum dan tata rias wajah, angle camera, dan type of shot, serta actor digambarkan seperti melalui tatapan mata, ekspresi wajah ketika melihat suatu hal yang tidak menarik, perkataan di tempat umum yaitu di kantor dengan pencahayaan yang terang dan redup. Kata Kunci: Mise en scene, representasi, diskriminasi terhadap perempuan, semiotika, Imperfect
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