YULIANTO, ANDREAS (2020) TAS TRAVEL SEPEDA BMX. S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.

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BMX sports had a huge following, and factories began to produce special bikes designed for this sport. In April 1981, the International BMX Federation was formed, and the first BMX world championship was held in 1982. Since 1993, BMX has been part of the Union Cyclist International (UCI). Until now, the culture and sport of BMX cycling has continued to develop, and at the 2008 Olympics in Beijing, BMX made its debut as a cycling sport. BMX freestyle will also start competing at the 2022 Olympics in Japan. Often BMX competitions outside the city or country, the producers also compete to make BMX bicycle travel bags that are used especially for athletes and riders who like to travel at home and abroad. Keywords: travel bag, bicycle travel bag, bmx rider Olahraga BMX memiliki banyak sekali peminat, dan pabrik mulai memproduksi sepeda khusus yang dirancang untuk olahraga ini. Pada April 1981, Federasi Internasional BMX dibentuk, dan kejuaraan dunia BMX pertama diadakan pada 1982. Sejak 1993, BMX menjadi bagian dari Union Cyclist International (UCI). Sampai saat ini budaya dan olahraga sepeda BMX terus berkembang, dan pada Olimpiade 2008 di Beijing, BMX melakukan debut sebagai salah satu cabang olahraga sepeda. BMX freestyle juga akan mulai dipertandingkan pada Olimpiade 2022 di Jepang. Seringnya kompetisi bmx di luar kota ataupun negri para produsen pun berlomba membuat tas travel sepeda bmx yang di fungsikan khususnya untuk para atlit dan juga pengendara yang senang berpergian di dalam maupun luar negri. Kata Kunci : Tas travel, tas travel sepeda, pengendara bmx.

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FDSK/DP. 20 045
NIM/NIDN Creators: 41916010011
Uncontrolled Keywords: Tas travel, tas travel sepeda, pengendara bmx.
Subjects: 700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 720 Architecture/Arsitektur > 726 Buildings for Religious Architecture/Arsitektur Bangunan Keagamaan > 726.5 Church Architecture/Arsitektur Gereja > 726.51 Design, Decoration, Construction of Structural Elements/Desain, Dekorasi, Struktur
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 730 Plastic Arts and Sculpture/Seni Plastik dan Seni Patung > 739 Art Metalwork/Seni Logam, Kerajinan Logam > 739.4 Iron Art Works/Seni Logam Besi > 739.48 Products/Produk
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 740 Drawing and Decorative Art/Menggambar dan Seni Dekorasi > 745 Decorative Arts/Seni Dekorasi > 745.4 Pure and Applied Design and Decoration/Desain Dekorasi Murni dan Terapan
Divisions: Fakultas Desain dan Seni Kreatif > Desain Produk
Depositing User: CALVIN PRASETYO
Date Deposited: 10 Apr 2023 03:53
Last Modified: 10 Apr 2023 03:53
URI: http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/76290

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