PRASTYA, ERICE (2020) RINJANIA ( TAS CARRIER + TENDA DOME MODULAR ULTRALIGHT ). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
01. HALAMAN JUDUL.pdf Download (100kB) | Preview |
02. ABSTRAK.pdf Download (138kB) | Preview |
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09. DAFTAR LAMPIRAN.pdf Download (82kB) | Preview |
Text (BAB I)
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Text (BAB II)
11. BAB II METODE PERANCANGAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (500kB) |
Text (BAB III)
12. BAB III DATA DAN ANALISIS.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (1MB) |
Text (BAB IV)
13. BAB IV KONSEP DAN HASIL PERANCANGAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (1MB) |
Text (BAB V)
14. BAB V KEGIATAN PAMERAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (1MB) |
Text (BAB VI)
15. BAB VI KESIMPULAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (7kB) |
16. DAFTAR PUSTAKA.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (64kB) |
17. LAMPIRAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (635kB) |
Mountain climbing is a popular activity for nature lovers. But the weight of carrying equipment and natural equipment when climbing on a mountain is a major problem for climbers. One solution to overcome the problem of congenital outdoor equipment is to change the style or conventional climbing techniques to the style of ultralight climbing or ultralight hiking / ultralight bacpacking. In Ultralight hiking there are 3 main items in the basic weight that is classified as the heaviest, commonly referred to as "THE BIG THREE". The equipment consists of a backpack carrier, tent / shelter, and sleeping system which includes sleeping bags, sleeping pads and pillows. Therefore, the author innovates the design of the product design of carrier bags and dome tents into one product based on the big three where two of the three types of equipment are combined into one product so that if the two items weigh can be under 2 kg apart from the other basic weights, then this product is included in the ultralight category and will reduce a lot of burden on the back and shoulders sector and make this product has an ideal weight. Keyword : Dome Tent, Carrier , Ultralight, Gear, Outdoor. Mendaki gunung merupakan kegiatan yang banyak digemari oleh para pecinta alam. Namun beratnya membawa perlengkapan dan peralatan alam bebas saat melakukan pendakian di gunung merupakan permasalahan utama bagi para pendaki. Salah satu solusi mengatasi permasalahan beratnya bawaan perlengkapan outdoor adalah dengan merubah gaya atau teknik pendakian konvensional ke gaya pendakian ultralight atau ultralight hiking / ultralight bacpacking . Dalam Ultralight hiking ada 3 item utama dalam berat dasar yang tergolong terberat, yang biasa disebut sebagai “THE BIG THREE”. Peralatan tersebut terdiri dari backpack carrier, tenda/shelter, dan sleeping sistem yang meliputi sleeping bag, sleeping pad dan bantal. Oleh sebab itu, penulis menginovasikan rancangan desain produk tas carrier dan tenda dome menjadi satu produk yang didasari oleh the big three dimana dua dari tiga jenis peralatan tersebut digabungkan menjadi satu produk sehingga apabila dari kedua item tersebut beratnya bisa dibawah 2 kg selain daripada berat dasar lainnya, maka produk ini masuk dalam kategori ultralight dan akan mengurangi banyak beban di sektor punggung dan pundak serta menjadikan produk ini memiliki berat bobot yang ideal . Kata Kunci : Tenda Dome, Carrier , Ultralight, Gear, Peralatan Outdoor.
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