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The city of Cilegon has tourism resources, international trade, strategic vital industries, a sea port near the Sunda Strait as an international trade route, but has the potential for an earthquake and tsunami from the South Java Megathrust, a magnitude of 8.7 on the Richter Scale and a tsunami due to the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau. In maintaining the existence of resources and reducing the impact of disasters, there are problems on how the earthquake and tsunami disaster communication models and policies are implemented. With these problems, this study aims to: Analyze the model and communication policy for the earthquake and tsunami disaster. This research is a case study qualitative research, data from in-depth interviews and document searches, triangulation data validation. The results of the research Communication before a disaster occurs is that internal vertical and horizontal communication equalize perceptions about the vision, mission, goals of disaster management, external communication improves coordination of the development of facilities and infrastructure of the Early Warning communication system, understanding and maps of disasters, evacuation routes, emergency management, institutional capacity and Public. Communication During the Tsunami Disaster Crisis 22 December 2018 The Cilegon City Government and the community did not receive a Tsunami Early Warning from PVMKG or BMKG. BMKG released that a tsunami occurred due to the eruption of Mount Anak Krakatau, the impact of the tsunami caused casualties, property and disrupted the life order of the people of the West coast of Banten and South Lampung Provinces. Post-disaster communication focuses on increasing preparedness through socialization of potential disasters, disaster management management, making disaster maps, maps of evacuation routes, adding facilities and infrastructure for the dissemination of earthquake and tsunami information. Disaster communication policies are in the form of Regional Regulations, Mayor Decrees and Instructions based on Law 24 of 2007 and Permendagri Number 5 of 2014. The results of the analysis of the communication model before, during and after the disaster is a two-stage communication model: (1) The first stage is communicator, message, media, communicant as opinion leader; (2) Second stage: Opinion Leader as communicator in stage II communication. In stage I communication tends to be mass communication while in Stage II communication tends to group communication and cross-cultural communication. The results of the communication policy analysis resulted in the following proposition “Disaster communication performance is highly dependent on leadership commitment, coordination and socialization, customer focus, facilities and infrastructure, media and inter-regional partnerships and situational awareness. Keywords: Cilegon City, Communication, Tsunami Earthquake Kota Cilegon memiliki sumberdaya wisata, perdagangan internasional, industri vital strategis, pelabuhan laut berdekatan Selat Sunda sebagai jalur perdagangan internasional, namun berpotensi bencana gempabumi dan tsunami dari Megathrust Selatan Jawa, kekuatan 8.7 Skala Richter dan Tsunami akibat erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau. Dalam mempertahankan eksistensi sumberdaya dan mengurangi dampak bencana ada permasalahan bagaimana model dan kebijakan komunikasi bencana gempabumi dan tsunami yang dilaksanakan. Dengan permasalahan tersebut, maka penelitian ini bertujuan : Menganalisis model dan Kebijakan komunikasi bencana gempabumi dan tsunami. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif studi kasus, data dari wawancara mendalam dan penelusuran dokumen, validasi data triangulasi. Hasil penelitian Komunikasi sebelum terjadi bencana adalah Komunikasi intern vertical dan horizontal menyamakan persepsi tentang visi, misi, tujuan penanggulangan bencana, komunikasi ekstern meningkatan koordinasi pembangunan sarana dan prasarana sistim komunikasi Early Warning, pemahaman dan peta bencana, jalur evakuasi, penanganan darurat, kapasitas lembaga dan masyarakat. Komunikasi Saat Krisis bencana tsunami 22 Desember 2018 Pemerintah Kota Cilegon dan masyarakat tidak menerima Early Warning Tsunami dari PVMKG atau BMKG. BMKG merilis terjadi tsunami akibat erupsi Gunung Anak Krakatau, dampak tsunami menimbulkan korban jiwa, harta dan mengganggu tata kehidupan masyarakat pantai Barat Provinsi Banten dan Lampung Selatan. Komunikasi pasca bencana fokus peningkatan kesiapsiagaan melalui sosialiasi potensi bencana, tata kelola penanggulangan bencana, pembuatan peta bencana, peta jalur evakuasi, penambahan sarana dan prasarana diseminasi informasi gempabumi dan tsunami. Kebijakan komunikasi bencana berupa Perda, Keputusan dan Instruksi Walikota yang dilandasi undang-undang 24 tahun 2007 dan Permendagri nomor 5 tahun 2014. Hasil analisis model komunikasi sebelum, saat dan sesudah bencana adalah model komunikasi 2 tahap : (1) Tahap pertama komunikator, Pesan, Media, Komunikan sebagai opinion leader; (2) Tahap kedua : Opinion Leader sebagai Komunikator pada komunikasi tahap II. Pada tahap I komunikasi lebih cenderung pada komunikasi massa sedangkan pada komunikasi Tahap II cenderung komunikasi kelompok dan komunikasi lintas budaya. Hasil analisis kebijakan komunikasi menghasilkan proposisi berikut “ Kinerja Komunikasi bencana sangat tergantung komitmen kepemimpinan, koordinasi dan sosialisasi, focus pelanggan, sarana dan prasaran, kemitraan media dan antar wilayah dan kesadaran situsional. Kata kunci : Kota Cilegon, Komunikasi, Gempabumi Tsunami
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