KHOIRUNNISA, FERA RIZKI (2022) IMPLEMENTASI NEGOSIASI DAN ADAPTASI PADA PASANGAN BERBEDA WARGANEGARA (Studi Kasus Pada Suami Istri Tidak Tinggal Bersama di Indonesia). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
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The background of this research is that there is a phenomenon of the increasing numbers of Indonesian who get married with foreigners. Since there are a lot of differences among the citizens, marriage is considered to be difficult. Moreover, they do not live in the same country. In reality, there are many spouses who can survive even though they live separately. On the other hand, according to detikcom data on supreme court website, April 3rd 2019, the number of Indonesian spouses getting divorced are increasing significantly around 419.268 spouses in 2018. This fact leads to the research which is conducted to find out how the spouses coming from different countries and living separately negotiate and adapt to each other through case study. Data are collected through in depth interview to 10 informants, documents, and literature reviews. This research is conducted in two years, and doesn’t take in some special places but more on a social group getting married with different citizens who live separately for more than five years. As a tool to analyze, two theories are applied such as identity negotiation theory of Stella ting – Toomey and adaptive interaction theory of Jude Burgoon. This research aims at digging information about the implementation of negotiate and to adapt tehniques as well as to see the obstacles of culture identity, behavior and culture. The three results reveal : firstly there are seven ways of negotiation and adaptation of culture identity such as dressing, communicating, socializing, managing financial matters, religion, livelihood, eating, and food they like. Secondly, the implementation of negotiation and adaptive tehniques behavior when they are angry, pleased, sad, bored, and when they miss each other. Thirdly, implementation to negotiate and adapt to culture tehniques. Keywords : Negotiations, adaptations in couples, case studies. Penelitian dilatarbelakangi fenomena semakin bertambahnya jumlah WNI yang menikah dengan WNA. Pernikahan ini dianggap lebih sulit karena banyak perbedaan. Apalagi bila tidak tinggal bersama dalam satu negara. Namun faktanya, ada banyak pasangan suami istri yang berhasil bertahan, meski tidak tinggal bersama di Indonesia. Padahal jumlah pasangan suami istri asli Indonesia yang bercerai semakin meningkat menurut data detikcom sesuai website Mahkamah Agung (MA), 3 April 2019, sebanyak 419.268 pasangan bercerai sepanjang 2018. Inilah yang menjadi latarbelakang dilakukannya penelitian ini, yaitu ingin mengetahui cara negosiasi dan adaptasi pada pasangan berbeda warganegara dan tidak tinggal bersama. Untuk mengungkap focus penelitian tersebut, digunakan metode penelitian studi kasus. Sebagai cara untuk mencari data menggunakan wawancara mendalam (depth interview) terhadap 10 informan utama, catatan dokumen dan studi pustaka. Lama penilitian ini yaitu 2 tahun dan tidak mengambil lokasi secara khusus namun lebih kepada kelompok sosial yang menjalankan pernikahan berbeda warganegara serta tidak tinggal bersama lebih dari 5 tahun. Sebagai alat analisis menggunakan teori negosiasi identitas Stella ting-Toomey dan teori adaptasi interaksi Jude Burgoon. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menggali informasi tentang implementasi teknik negosiasi dan adaptasi serta hambatannya identitas budaya, perilaku dan budaya. Hasil penelitian ini yaitu pertama, implementasi teknik negosiasi dan adaptasi identitas budaya melalui 7 cara, yaitu cara berbusana, cara berkomunikasi, cara bermasyarakat, cara mengatur keuangan, religi, mata pencaharian dan cara makan, serta dan makanan yang disukai. Kedua, implementasi teknik negosiasi dan adaptasi perilaku, yaitu saat marah, senang, sedih, bosan dan kangen. Ketiga, implementasi teknik negosiasi dan adaptasi budaya. Kata kunci : Negosiasi, Adaptasi Pada Pasangan, Studi Kasus.
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