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This applicative final project aims to provide information through visual images from documentary films to increase public awareness and concern and see the positive side of the gravedigger profession. With the title "POINT OF VIEW LIFE IN THE DOCUMENTARY FILM OF GRAB DIGERS IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC TIME" this story is based on the daily life of the gravedigger profession in carrying out work during the COVID-19 pandemic. This work is expected to increase public awareness to help each other when affected by disasters, especially death. To promote this documentary, several supporting media in the form of posters and trailers are needed. There are three stages in the making of this documentary, namely pre-production, production and post-production. To produce this documentary, the cameraman uses several supporting tools such as cameras, drones, tripods and microphones. The shooting techniques and angles used include medium shot, long shot, extreme long shot, medium close up, high angle, low angle, bird eye, eye level, frog eye, panning, tilting, follow and crab. The shooting technique is done in order to produce shot variations that can create different points of view for the audience. The use of supporting tools and shooting techniques can affect the delivery of information that will be received by the audience. The result of this final project is made in a documentary film format because it can tell the actual facts without fabrication, so that they are able to tell the real experience of the gravedigger profession during the COVID-19 pandemic. Cameramen get a lot of new knowledge and experience in film production, especially in shooting techniques such as image size, image composition, image angles and camera movements that can affect the delivery of information to the audience. The author is also able to understand the importance of initiative, tolerance and good teamwork in the documentary film production process, so that all stages of production can run well and create interesting films so that the story is understood by the audience. Keywords: Documentary Film, Cameraman, Photography Techniques, Grave Digger, Covid-19 Pandemic Karya tugas akhir aplikatif ini bertujuan memberikan informasi melalui visual gambar dari film dokumenter untuk meningkatkan kesadaran dan kepedulian masyarakat serta melihat sisi positif dari profesi penggali kubur. Dengan judul “SUDUT PANDANG KEHIDUPAN DALAM FILM DOKUMENTER PENGGALI KUBUR DI MASA PANDEMI COVID-19” cerita ini dibuat berdasarkan kehidupan sehari-hari dari profesi penggali kubur dalam melaksanakan pekerjaan di masa pandemi COVID-19. Karya ini diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kepedulian masyarakat untuk saling tolong-menolong saat terkena musibah khususnya kematian. Untuk mempromosikan film dokumenter ini, diperlukan beberapa media penunjang berupa Poster dan Trailer. Terdapat tiga tahap dalam pembuatan film dokumenter ini, yaitu pra produksi, produksi dan pasca produksi. Produksi film dokumenter ini juru kamera menggunakan beberapa alat pendukung seperti kamera, drone, tripod dan microphone. teknik dan angle pengambilan gambar yang digunakan diantaranya, medium shot, long shot, extreme long shot, medium close up, high angle, low angle, bird eye, eye level, frog eye, panning, tilting, follow dan crab. Teknik pengambilan gambar tersebut dilakukan agar menghasilkan variasi shot yang dapat menciptakan sudut pandang berbeda bagi penonton. Penggunaan alat pendukung dan teknik pengambilan gambar tersebut dapat mempengaruhi penyampaian informasi yang akan diterima oleh penonton. Hasil karya tugas akhir ini dibuat dengan format film dokumenter karena dapat menuturkan fakta-fakta sebenarnya tanpa perekayasaan, sehingga mampu menceritakan pengalaman nyata profesi penggali kubur di masa pandemi COVID-19. Juru kamera mendapat banyak ilmu dan pengalaman baru dalam produksi film, terutama dalam teknis pengambilan gambar seperti ukuran gambar, komposisi gambar, angle gambar dan pergerakan kamera yang dapat mempengaruhi penyampaian informasi kepada penonton. Penulis juga mampu memahami pentingnya inisiatif, rasa toleransi dan kerja sama tim yang baik dalam proses produksi film dokumenter, sehingga seluruh tahapan produksi dapat berjalan dengan baik dan menciptakan film yang menarik agar ceritanya dimengerti oleh penonton. Kata Kunci : Film Dokumenter, Juru Kamera, Teknik Pengambilan Gambar, Penggali Kubur, Pandemi Covid-19

Item Type: Thesis (S1)
Call Number CD: FK/BRD. 22 131
Call Number: SK/41/23/014
NIM/NIDN Creators: 44118010015
Uncontrolled Keywords: Film Dokumenter, Juru Kamera, Teknik Pengambilan Gambar, Penggali Kubur, Pandemi Covid-19
Subjects: 000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 070 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1-070.9 Standard Subdivisions of Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Subdivisi Standar Dari Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita
000 Computer Science, Information and General Works/Ilmu Komputer, Informasi, dan Karya Umum > 070 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1-070.9 Standard Subdivisions of Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media, Journalism, Publishing/Subdivisi Standar Dari Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita, Jurnalisme, Penerbitan > 070.1 Documentary Media, Educational Media, News Media/Media Dokumenter, Media Pendidikan, Media Berita > 070.19 Broadcast Media/Media Broadcast
700 Arts/Seni, Seni Rupa, Kesenian > 770 Photography and Photographs/Seni Fotografi dan Foto > 778 Specific Fields of Photography/Bidang-bidang Khusus Seni Fotografi > 778.5 Cinematography, Video Production, Related Activities/Sinematografi, Produksi Video, dan Kegiatan Terkait
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi > Penyiaran
Date Deposited: 16 Jan 2023 03:59
Last Modified: 16 Jan 2023 03:59

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