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Automotive companies are currently growing rapidly in the midst of society. Not only focusing on product offerings but also in terms of services and services. PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza has PR / Public Relations practitioners who are tasked with maintaining good relations with customers and assisting in handling complaints. Two years ago, the automotive world, especially the Honda car brand, issued a press release regarding the recall of fuel pump component parts for Honda cars, one of which was the Brio because it was indicated that there was a problem. And only campaigned for improvement in 2021 until this year. So that it causes complaints that make it the topic of customer complaints. Therefore, this study aims to determine customer relations activities in handling customer complaints about the recall of the Honda Brio car fuel pump at PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza. The theory used in this study is a theory related to organizational communication which is applied to internal PT. According to Clampitt, Trimegah Auto Plaza BSD, the definition of public relations according to Moore, as well as an explanation of the following customer relations activities with their objectives according to Onong Uchjana and their benefits according to Lattimore. This research uses constructivism paradigm and qualitative research methods with a case study approach. The research subjects are parties who can provide information related to this research are the head of the workshop, the CRM division specialist Handling Complaints, and the customer relations officer as key informants and two customers of PT. Trimegah as an informant. The results of this study, carried out the application of customer relations activities in handling customer complaints about the recall of the fuel pump at PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza BSD. The first series of activities is the way of welcoming customers that is usually done by customer relations officers, customer follow-up techniques when handling fuel pump recalls, carrying out forms of organizational communication in resolving customer complaints, understanding the types of customers that are often encountered in handling complaints, and providing education. to customers regarding the Honda E-Care application. Keywords: Activities, Customer Relations, Organizational Communication, Types of Customers Perusahaan otomotif saat ini sangat berkembang pesat ditengah masyarakat. Tidak hanya fokus terhadap penawaran produk saja tetapi juga dalam segi pelayanan dan jasa. PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza memiliki praktisi PR/Humas yang bertugas dalam mempertahankan hubungan baik dengan pelanggan dan membantu dalam menangani keluhan. Dalam dua tahun silam dunia ototmotif khususnya brand mobil Honda mengelurakan press release tentang penarikan part komponen fuel pump mobil Honda salah satunya adalah Brio karena terindikasi bermasalah. Dan baru dikampanyekan untuk perbaikan pada tahun 2021 lalu hingga tahun ini. Sehingga menimbulkan komplain yang menjadikan sebagai topik keluhan pelanggan. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aktivitas customer relations dalam menangani keluhan pelanggan tentang recall fuel pump mobil Honda Brio di PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza Teori yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teori terkait komunikasi organisasi yang diterapkan pada internal PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza BSD menurut Clampitt, definisi public relations menurut Moore, serta menguraikan penjelasan tentang dari aktivitas customer relations berikut dengan tujuannya menurut Onong Uchjana dan manfaatnya menurut Lattimore. penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma konstruktivisme dan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Subjek penelitiannya adalah pihak yang bisa memberikan informasi terkait penelitian ini adalah kepala bengkel, divisi CRM specialist Handling Complain, dan customer relations officer sebagai key informan dan dua orang pelanggan PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza sebagai informan. Hasil penelitian ini, dilakukan penerapan pada aktivitas customer relations dalam menagani keluhan pelanggan tentang recall fuel pump di PT. Trimegah Auto Plaza BSD. Serangkaian aktivitas tersebut pertama dari cara penyambutan pelanggan yang biasa dilakukan customer relations officer, teknik follow up pelanggan pada saat penanganan recall fuel pump, menjalankan bentuk komunikasi organisasi dalam mentuntaskan keluhan pelanggan, memahami tipe- tipe pelanggan yang sering dijumpai dalam penanganan keluhan, dan memberikan pengedukasian kepada pelanggan terkait aplikasi Honda E- Care. Kata kunci: Aktivitas, Customer Relations, Komunikasi Organisasi, Tipe Pelanggan
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