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This research was aimed to analyze the impact of Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) on Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Environtment (OCBE), environmental performance and competitive advantage; to analyze the effect of environmental performance on competitive advantage; to analyze the effect of OCBE mediating the relationship of GHRM with competitive advantage; to analyze the effect of environmental performance mediating the relationship between GHRM and competitive advantage; and to propose company policies in Human Resources Management. The problems that would be discussed and answered through this research was whether there was a mutual influence between GHRM, OCBE, environmental performance, and competitive advantage, as well as how the policies were applied in Human Resources Management of consumer goods companies. The research was conducted by observing the company's performance through financial data and conducting preliminary interviews with Ultra Prima Group respondents. Then an analysis of the results of observations and interviews was carried out, followed by a literature Review related to the variables used along with the conceptual model that would be used. Data collection was carried out on research respondents, processing and analyzing data using the Partial Least Square (PLS) and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods to obtain the relationship between research variables. The results of this research indicated that there was a significant effect between the variables GHRM, OCBE, environmental performance, and competitive advantage. Environmental performance had the highest priority level for competitive advantage and the indicator that most influenced the company's environmental performance was the level of energy consumption. Thus, in order to optimize the company's competitive advantage, regulations that support the increase in energy consumption efficiency are needed to help improve the company's environmental performance. Further research can include quality management and service quality variables to complete this model and can be carried out in the banking, service and tourism industries. Keywords : Green Human Resource Management, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Environtment, environmental performance, competitive advantage, Partial Least Square, Analytic Hierarchy Process Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Green Human Resource Management (GHRM) pada Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Environment (OCBE), performa lingkungan dan keunggulan kompetitif; menganalisis pengaruh OCBE memediasi hubungan GHRM dengan keunggulan kompetitif; menganalisis pengaruh performa lingkungan memediasi hubungan GHRM dengan keunggulan kompetitif; dan mengusulkan kebijakan perusahaan dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia. Masalah yang akan dibahas dan dijawab pada penelitian ini adalah pengaruh satu sama lain antara GHRM, OCBE, performa lingkungan, dan keunggulan kompetitif, serta bagaimana kebijakan yang diberlakukan dalam pengelolaan Sumber Daya Manusia di perusahaan barang konsumsi. Penelitian dilakukan dengan observasi performa perusahaan melalui data keuangan dan melakukan interview pendahuluan terhadap responden Ultra Prima Group. Kemudian dilakukan analisa hasil observasi dan wawancara, dilanjutkan dengan tinjauan pustaka yang berhubungan dengan variabel yang digunakan beserta dengan model konseptual yang akan digunakan. Pengumpulan data dilakukan terhadap responden penelitian, pengolahan dan analisa data menggunakan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) dan Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) untuk memperoleh hubungan antara variabel penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan diantara variabel GHRM, OCBE, performa lingkungan, dan keunggulan kompetitif. Performa lingkungan memiliki tingkat prioritas paling tinggi terhadap keunggulan kompetitif serta indikator yang paling mempengaruhi performa lingkungan perusahaan adalah tingkat konsumsi energi. Dengan demikian, untuk mengoptimalkan keunggulan kompetitif perusahaan maka diperlukan peraturan yang mendukung peningkatan efisiensi konsumsi energi untuk membantu meningkatkan performa lingkungan perusahaan. Penelitian selanjutnya dapat dimasukkan variabel quality management dan service quality untuk melengkapi model ini serta dapat dilakukan pada industri perbankan, jasa dan pariwisata. Kata Kunci : Green Human Resource Management, Organizational Citizenship Behaviour for Environment, performa lingkungan, keunggulan kompetitif, Partial Least Square, Analytic Hierarchy Process
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