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Death is a necessity that everyone will experience it and as a moslem, if the time will has come, it will require cemetery. In Jakarta, a public funerals have provided in limited amount, burial stacked-pile, vulnerable to eviction for various caused, affected by the floods and the conditions surrounding the cemetery is felt uncomfortable. This condition that encourages the private sector to open the better funeral place, which the pioneer, namely San Diego Hills is located in Karawang. The existence of private funeral has attracted Al-Azhar (Islamic Boarding School Foundation of Al-Azhar) to run the business under the name of Al-Azhar Memorial Garden is located in Karawang also and it claimed compliance with the Sharia of Islam as differentiation compared with other cemeteries. This study aims to determine how the promotion strategy of One Stop Dying as Sharia promotional strategy burial place of Al-Azhar Memorial Garden Karawang, which has business lines associated with the Islamic death organizing bodies (bathing, clothing and praying), as well as the funeral procession and place of funeral, which is the end to end line services. To find out the literature research and field research, by conducting interviews and observation to the key informant who the person in charge of Al-Azhar Memorial Garden Karawang, and the informant or respondent in a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) are considered as potential buyers the funeral. By using descriptive qualitative paradigm as well as methods of analysis of case studies, there are two fact- findings that promotional strategies executed at this time that emphasizes the physical condition of the cemetery (such as funeral parks, consist of the mosque, supporting facilities, such as footpath, shade trees, benches parks), and also about the fully complied Shariah cemetery as stated in the media promotion, and the two research-findings as follows: a promotion ambiguous and high-blur-sensitive promotion, where the findings of (1) ambiguous promotion is a form of promotion that led of two kind of opposites, for example: This cemetery aiming slightly better than the general cemetery in Jakarta that present day, but at the same time in the promotion could mean that this cemetery is a luxury; then second findings (2) high-blur-sensitive promotion is a form of promotion that realized involving into religious territory which very sensitive and it require some explanation clearly, but it was not clear message in promotion (blur), for example: for the promo “first cemetery which Islamic sharia", only emphasize on the physical aspects, such as an appropriate Islamic cemetery, not to other important aspects such as such as the funeral procession, or even just when death organizing body. Contextually, sharia promotion in AMG is such of how to fulfil with Islam which (1) Limited on promotion scope; (2) Commit to keep the client’s identity rather than using them for promotion; (3) Promotion content in actual context (as it is). Keywords: funeral, one stop dying, ambiguous promotion, high-blur-sensitive promotion, integrated promotional mix, disintegrated promotion mix. Kematian adalah keniscayaan dimana semua orang akan mengalaminya dan sebagai orang Islam, jika kematian telah menjemput, maka akan membutuhkan lahan pemakaman. Di Jakarta, tempat pemakaman jumlahnya terbatas, sehingga terjadi penumpukan (tumpeng), rawan penggusuran untuk berbagai kebutuhan, terkena banjir dan kondisi sekitar pemakaman tidak nyaman. Hal ini mendorong kalangan swasta untuk membuka tempat pemakaman yang relatif lebih baik, seperti San Diego Hills yang berlokasi di Karawang. Hal ini menarik minat Al- Azhar (Yayasan Pesantren Islam, YPI Al-Azhar) untuk menjalankan usaha tersebut dengan nama Al-Azhar Memorial Garden yang berlokasi di Karawang yang diklaim sesuai syariah Islam untuk membedakan dengan taman pemakaman lainnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana strategi promosi One Stop Dying sebagai strategi promosi syariah tempat pemakaman umum Al- Azhar Memorial Garden Karawang, yang memiliki lini usaha yang berhubungan dengan kematian dari sejak penyelenggaraan jenazah (memandikan, mengkafani dan mensholatkan), sekaligus juga prosesi pemakaman dan tempat pemakamannya, yang end to end tersebut. Untuk mengetahuinya maka dilakukan penelitian pustaka dan penelitian lapangan, dengan melakukan wawancara maupun observasi/pengamatan kepada key informant yaitu penanggung jawab/pengelola Al-Azhar Memorial Garden Karawang, maupun para informan atau responden dalam Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang dianggap sebagai calon pembeli potensial pemakaman tersebut. Dengan menggunakan paradigma kualitatif deskriptif serta metode analisis studi kasus, terdapat temuan bahwa strategi promosi yang dijalankan saat ini yang menekankan kepada kondisi fisik pemakaman (taman, masjid dan fasilitas pendukung seperti jalan setapak yang tidak becek, pohon peneduh, bangku taman). Temuan lain tentang pemakaman yang sesuai syariah seperti yang disampaikan dalam media promosinya, merupakan ambiguous promotion dan high-blur-sensitive promotion, dimana (1) ambiguous promotion adalah bentuk promosi yang menyebabkan pengertian ganda yang bertolak belakang, contohnya: pemakaman ini bertujuan sedikit lebih baik dibandingkan pemakaman umum di Jakarti, tetapi saat bersamaan dalam promosinya bisa diartikan bahwa pemakaman ini mewah; kemudian (2) high-blur- sensitive promotion adalah bentuk promosi yang disadari masuk wilayah keagamaan yang sangat sensitif sehingga membutuhkan penjelasan yang jernih, tetapi kenyataanya justru promosi yang disampaikan tidak jelas (blur), contohnya: promo “pertama sesuai syariah Islam”, hanya penekanan pada aspek fisik pemakaman yang sesuai Islam, tidak kepada aspek syariah Islam yang lainnya yang tentu saja cukup penting, misalnya prosesi pemakaman, atau malah justru pada saat penyelenggaraan jenazahnya. Strategi promosi syariah dalam konteks AMG adalah (1) membatasi dalam cakupan promosi; (2) menjaga identitas konsumen tetap terjaga, dibandingkan menjadikan endorser; dan (3) konten promosi yang ringkas dan apa adanya. Kata kunci: pemakaman, one stop dying, ambiguous promotion, high-blur- sensitive promotion, integrated promotional mix, disintegrated promotional mix.
Item Type: | Thesis (S2) |
Call Number CD: | CDT-552-15-063 |
NIM/NIDN Creators: | 55210120078 |
Uncontrolled Keywords: | funeral, one stop dying, ambiguous promotion, high-blur-sensitive promotion, integrated promotional mix, disintegrated promotion mix, pemakaman, one stop dying, ambiguous promotion, high-blur- sensitive promotion, integrated promotional mix, disintegrated promotional mix, CORCOM, korporate komunikasi dan komunikasi pemasaran |
Subjects: | 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi |
Divisions: | Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi |
Depositing User: | ORYZA LUVITA |
Date Deposited: | 14 Jun 2022 07:04 |
Last Modified: | 23 Jun 2022 07:35 |
URI: | http://repository.mercubuana.ac.id/id/eprint/63309 |
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