MITOLOGI ANGKA DALAM UNJUK RASA PENUNTUTAN KASUS DUGAAN PENISTAAN AGAMA (Analisa Semiotika Roland Barthes Aksi Unjuk Rasa 411, 212, 111, 313 dan 55)

BAHAR, DAHNIARNY MAULINA (2017) MITOLOGI ANGKA DALAM UNJUK RASA PENUNTUTAN KASUS DUGAAN PENISTAAN AGAMA (Analisa Semiotika Roland Barthes Aksi Unjuk Rasa 411, 212, 111, 313 dan 55). S2 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta-Menteng.

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Cases of alleged blasphemy trigger a series of protests from Muslims across the country in Indonesia since October 2016. Thousands of protesters came demanding Ahok be imprisoned immediately from October 14th 2016 to May 5th 2017, 4 days before the trial conviction was held. For that 7 months of rallies, a series of number figures which FPI claimed were taken from the date then became names of such action as 411, 212, 111, 313 and 55. With the qualitative approach and semiotic analysis method of Barthes, this study uncovered the meaning of denotation, connotation and mythology of the series number, since the researchers assume there is no single meaning in every phenomenon. The Islamic approach of the Qur’an is used by researcher to explore the sign’s hidden meaning. In the end, this study concludes the mythological mythology and ideology of Islam is attached to 411, 212, 111, 313 and 55. Those numbers are Allah's message to not do any damage on earth in this case Indonesia especially Jakarta, jihad in fighting separation and do not to hesitate the Qur'an. These are related to the situation occurring in the elections at that time where people splitted up by religion issues. Key words: Demonstration, Number, Barthes’s Semiotics, Myth.Cases of alleged blasphemy trigger a series of protests from Muslims across the country in Indonesia since October 2016. Thousands of protesters came demanding Ahok be imprisoned immediately from October 14th 2016 to May 5th 2017, 4 days before the trial conviction was held. For that 7 months of rallies, a series of number figures which FPI claimed were taken from the date then became names of such action as 411, 212, 111, 313 and 55. With the qualitative approach and semiotic analysis method of Barthes, this study uncovered the meaning of denotation, connotation and mythology of the series number, since the researchers assume there is no single meaning in every phenomenon. The Islamic approach of the Qur’an is used by researcher to explore the sign’s hidden meaning. In the end, this study concludes the mythological mythology and ideology of Islam is attached to 411, 212, 111, 313 and 55. Those numbers are Allah's message to not do any damage on earth in this case Indonesia especially Jakarta, jihad in fighting separation and do not to hesitate the Qur'an. These are related to the situation occurring in the elections at that time where people splitted up by religion issues. Key words: Demonstration, Number, Barthes’s Semiotics, Myth. Sejak Oktober 2016, kasus dugaan penistaan agama memicu rangkaian aksi protes dari umat Islam berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Ribuan massa berkumpul menuntut Ahok segera dipenjarakan dimulai sejak14 Oktober 2016 hingga 5 Mei 2017, 4 hari sebelum sidang vonis digelar. Selama kurang lebih 7 bulan aksi unjuk rasa dilakukan, muncul rangkaian angka yang diklaim FPI diambil dari tanggal cantik pelaksanaan kemudian menjadi nama dari aksi-aksi tersebut seperti 411, 212, 111, 313 dan 55. Dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode analisis semiotika Barthes, penelitian ini membongkar makna denotasi, konotasi dan mitologi dari rangkaian angka tersebut sebab peneliti beranggapan tidak ada makna tunggal dalam setiap fenomena. Pendekatan agama Islam yakni Al-Qur’an digunakan peneliti untuk mendalami makna terselubung dari tanda tersebut. Akhir dari penelitian ini menyimpulkan mitologi ketuhanan dan ideologi islam melekat pada 411, 212, 111, 313 dan 55. Angka-angka tersebut adalah pesan Allah SWT untuk tidak berbuat kerusakan di bumi dimana bumi yang dimaksud yaitu Indonesia khususnya Jakarta, berjihad dalam melawan perpecahan dan adu domba, tidak bermain-bermain dengan Al-Qur’an. Hal ini berkaitan dengan situasi yang terjadi pada Pilkada saat itu dimana masyarakat teradu domba oleh isu agama. Kata kunci: Unjuk Rasa, Angka, Semiotika Barthes, Mitologi.

Item Type: Thesis (S2)
Call Number CD: CDT-552-17-098
NIM/NIDN Creators: 55215120023
Uncontrolled Keywords: Unjuk Rasa, Angka, Semiotika Barthes, Mitologi.Demonstration, Number, Barthes’s Semiotics, Myth. Political Communication, KOMPOL
Subjects: 300 Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 300. Social Science/Ilmu-ilmu Sosial > 302 Social Interaction, Interpersonal Relations/Interaksi Sosial, Hubungan Antarpersonal > 302.2 Communication/Komunikasi
Divisions: Pascasarjana > Magister Ilmu Komunikasi
Date Deposited: 04 Apr 2022 04:25
Last Modified: 22 Jun 2022 03:43

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