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Employee engagement and the millennials generation are two topics that are being discussed by many companies. This is because both are closely related to how to increase employee engagement for the millennial generation. This research was conducted with the aim to analyze the factors that influence employee motivation and employee engagement. The factors analyzed include work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications, work life balance and employer branding. Respondents in this study were taken from the millennial generation in most parts of Java, Indonesia. This research was conducted on 285 respondents. The sampling method uses purposive random sampling where the sample is deliberately chosen with a certain age, namely the age of 18-35 years, which is identified as the millennial generation. And taken randomly means taken from all areas of Java, not taken as a whole. To analyze the data, the authors used the Sturctural Equation Model (SEM) - AMOS analysis. The findings in this study indicate that work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications, work life balance and employer branding have a positive and significant effect on employee motivation. Whereas employee engagement affects only work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications and employer branding variables, while work life balance does not directly affect employee engagement. Based on the sobel test, employee motivation has the effect of mediating from the six independent variables on employee engagement Keywords: work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications, work life balance, employer branding, employee motivation, employee engagement, millennials generatio Employee engagement dan generasi millennials adalah dua topik bahasan yang sedang ramai didiskusikan oleh banyak perusahaan. Hal ini karena keduanya berhubungan erat terkait bagaimana cara menaikan employee engagement untuk generasi millennial. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menganalisa faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi employee motivation dan employee engagement. Faktor-faktor yang di analisa tersebut antara lain work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications, work life balance dan employer branding. Responden dalam penelitian ini di ambil dari generasi millennial di sebagain besar wilayah Jawa, Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilakukan terhadap 285 responden. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan purposive random sampling dimana sampel tersebut sengaja dipilih dengan usia tertentu, yaitu usia 18-35 tahun, yang diidentifikasi sebagai generasi milennial. Dan diambil secara acak berarti diambil dari semua wilayah Jawa, tidak diambil secara keseluruhan. Untuk menganalisa data, penulis menggunakan analisis Sturctural Equation Model (SEM) - AMOS. Temuan dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications, work life balance dan employer branding mempunyai pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap employee motivation. Sedangkan terhadap employee engagement yang berpengaruh hanya variabel work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications dan employer branding, sedangkan work life balance tidak berpengaruh secara langsung terhadap employee engagement. Berdasarkan uji sobel, employee motivation mempunyai efek memediasi keenam variable independen tersebut terhadap employee engagement Kata kunci: work environment, compensations, flexible working hours, communications, work life balance, employer branding, employee motivation, employee engagement, millennials generation
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