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The growth of user and the transaction in e-commerce make the phenomena of the fluctuations visit on website become an assessment of how much the lack of interest in of a website visited were white collar workers or draw attention to this was conducted with the number of the responses by which is done based on the influence of the customer interface quality , for its customer satisfaction , and switching cost of against e-loyalty the use of e-commerce website also pay attention to . Of lab data is is a result of a of the questionnaire was that is in will mobilize to 150 respondents through the use of structural equation modeling ibm spss amos 22 .The results of the study express its strongest the quality of for its customer interface is able to provide a an influence that positifdan significantly correlates with e-loyalty , the same condition was in for its customer satisfaction in the manner of a partial on the great commission nor as varibel a mediator for its quality for its customer interface to have an influence there had been a positive and significant .On this research rise in switching cost sizes are either not significant the effect of these pay whether by our word of partial on the great commission nor as a mediator to affect e-loyalty . Customer satisfaction is the biggest variable e-loyalty their influence on a visit the website Keywords: Customer interface quality, customer satisfaction, switching cost, e-loyalty, e-commerce. Petumbuhan pengguna dan transaksi pada e-commerce membuat fenomena fluktuasi kunjungan pada website menjadi penilaian tentang seberapa banyak minat sebuah website dikunjungi atau menarik perhatian pengujung hal tersebut diuji dengan analisa pengaruh Kualitas Customer Interface, Customer Satisfaction, dan Switching Cost terhadap e-loyalty penggunaan website e-commerce. Data penelitian merupakan merupakan hasil kuisioner yang di sebar kepada 150 responden dengan menggunakan metode uji Structural Equation Modeling IBM SPSS AMOS 22. Hasil penelitian menunjukan Kualitas Customer Interface mampu memberikan pengaruh yang positifdan signifikan terhadap e-loyalty, begitupun dengan Customer Satisfaction secara partial ataupun sebagai varibel mediator untuk Kualitas Customer Interface memiliki pengaruh yang positif dan signifikan. Pada penelitian ini Switching Cost tidak signifikan pengaruhnya baik secara partial ataupun sebagai mediator untuk mempengaruhi e-loyalty. Customer Satisfaction merupakan variabel yang paling besar pengaruhnya terhadap e-loyalty kunjungan website. Kata Kunci: Kualitas Customer Interface, Customer Satisfaction, Switching Cost, e- loyalty, website, e-commerce
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