ROSYADA, AMRINA (2021) ANALISIS BEBAN KERJA MENGGUNAKAN METODE CARDIOVASCULAR LOAD DAN NASA-TLX (Studi Kasus : Pt. Angkasa Pura Ii, Unit Equipment & Workshop - Bsh). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
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PT. Angkasa Pura II is a company in the field of aviation that has mandatory equipment that must be in ready-made condition. Mandatory vehicles need to be corrective & preventive maintenance that requires time and human resources and is carried out in accordance with existing operational standards. But there are some obstacles when implementing corrective & preventive maintenance. In a day (12 hours of work) equipment maintenance activities can be done more than 4 equipment with various levels of damage and different time needs. In this study aims to find out the workload of personnel in the Equipment & Workshop unit, physical workload and mental workload of personnel as well as improvements needed. Physical workloads are measured based on cardiovascular percentage (%CVL) and mental workloads using the NASA – TLX method. Based on the analysis of %CVL, there are two personnel with the result of %CVL category need improvement, namely Abdul Salam (Engineer) value %CVL 33.0% and Masduki (Outsourcing) value %CVL 30.1%. Based on analysis using NASA – TLX method, there are three personnel with heavy mental workload category namely Dian Purwo Hardianto (Engineer) from NASA – TLX 84.7, Amrina Rosyada (technician) from NASA – TLX 84.9 and Ridwan S (outsourcing) from NASA – TLX 88.4. Keywords: NASA – TLX, %CVL, Workload PT. Angkasa Pura II merupakan perusahaan di bidang penerbangan yang mempunyai peralatan mandatori yang harus dalam kondisi siap pakai. Kendaraan mandatori perlu dilakukan corrective & preventive maintenance yang memerlukan waktu dan SDM serta dilakukan sesuai dengan standar operasional yang ada. Namun terdapat beberapa kendala saat melaksanakan corrective & preventive maintenance. Dalam sehari (12 jam kerja) kegiatan maintenance peralatan bisa dilakukan lebih dari 4 peralatan dengan berbagai tingkat kerusakan dan kebutuhan waktu yang berbeda. Pada penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui beban kerja personil di unit Equipment & Workshop, beban kerja fisik dan beban kerja mental personil serta perbaikan yang di butuhkan. Beban kerja fisik diukur berdasarkan persentase cardiovascular (%CVL) dan beban kerja mental menggunakan metode NASA – TLX. Berdasarkan analisis %CVL, terdapat dua personil dengan hasil %CVL berkategori perlu perbaikan yaitu Abdul Salam (Engineer) nilai %CVL 33.0% dan Masduki (Outsourcing) nilai %CVL 30.1%. Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan metode NASA – TLX, terdapat tiga personil dengan kategori beban kerja mental berat yaitu Dian Purwo Hardianto (Engineer) hasil NASA – TLX 84.7, Amrina Rosyada (technician) hasil NASA – TLX 84.9 dan Ridwan S (outsourcing) hasil NASA – TLX 88.4. Kata kunci : NASA – TLX, %CVL, Beban Kerja
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