NAUFAL RACHMAN, MUHAMAD (2020) ANALISIS PENYEBAB DAN DAMPAK VARIATION ORDER TERHADAP BIAYA DAN WAKTU PELAKSANAAN (Studi kasus pada Proyek Pembangunan Infrastruktur Hotel Patra Jasa Cirebon, Jawa Barat). S1 thesis, Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta.
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Text (BAB I)
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12. BAB III METODOLOGI PENELITIAN.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (140kB) |
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Text (BAB IV)
13. BAB IV HASIL DAN ANALISIS.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (666kB) |
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14. BAB V PENUTUP.pdf Restricted to Registered users only Download (50kB) |
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In most construction projects, it has been planned so well for the scope of structural, architectural, and mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP) works. Planning is done carefully so that at the time of execution, the works can take place according to design. However, the decision conditions during execution require improvement and other constraints that cause additional work to be created or called variation orders. The existence of less work or variation orders in the Patra Jasa Hotel Infrastructure Development project in Cirebon, West Java has led to the issuance of contract addendums three times. Changes that happen are changes in the execution time, the initial contract for 75 (seventy-five) calendar days. Addition of time in the first addendum for 84 (eighty-four) calendar days, and in the second addendum for 86 (eighty-six) calendar days so that the total addition of time for 170 calendar days. Besides, one of the contents of the addendum is a change in the value of the contract. However, with the increase in the duration of work the final value of the contract decreased by 7.77%. This study aims to determine the cause of variation orders, the impact of variation orders, the amount of added-less work, the impact of variation orders on the contract value and the execution time by conducting interviews with resource-related staff of PT Korra Antarbuana as a Quantity Surveyor Consultant on the project and the help of the Microsoft Excel application. Based on the results of the analysis that has been done, the factors that cause variation orders are the addition of work, reduction of work, administration and design changes with the largest percentage of 48.276%. The impact of the variation order is the issuance of a work order addendum. The addendum occurred with the issuance of ladded-less work with a percentage of structure 56%, architecture 12% and MEP 32%. The impact that occurs is the implementation time increased to 226,667%, followed by a decrease in the value of the contract by 7.77% with structural work down by 9.88% and architectural work up by 2.53%.Keywords: Variation Order, Causes of Variation Order, Impact of Variation Order at Cost and Time Keywords: Variation Order, Causes of Variation Order, Impact of Variation Order on Costs and Time. Pada kebanyakan proyek konstruksi, telah direncanakan sedemikian matang untuk lingkup pekerjaan struktur, arsitektur, hingga pekerjaan mekanikal, elektrikal dan plumbing. Perencanaan dilakukan dengan matang dimaksud agar pada saat pelaksanaan, pekerjaan dapat berlangsung sesuai rencana. Namun, kondisi keputusan saat pelaksanaan mengharuskan adanya penyempurnaan desian dan kendala lain yang menyebabkan timbulnya pekerjaan tambah kurang atau disebut dengan variation order. Adanya pekerjaan tambah kurang atau variation order pada proyek Pembangunan Infrastruktur Hotel Patra Jasa Cirebon, Jawa Barat menimbulkan diterbitkannya adendum kontrak sebanyak tiga kali. Perubahan yang terjadi yaitu adanya perubahan waktu pelaksanaan, pada kontrak awal selama 75 (tujuh puluh lima) hari kalender. Penambahan waktu pada adendum pertama selama 84 (delapan puluh empat) hari kalender, dan pada adendum kedua selama 86 (delapan puluh enam) hari kalender sehingga total penambahan waktu selama 170 hari kalender. Selain itu, salah satu isi adendum adalah perubahan nilai kontrak. Akan tetapi, dengan bertambahnya durasi pekerjaan nilai akhir kontrak justru berkurang sebesar 7,77%. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui penyebab terjadinya variation order, dampak terjadinya variation order, besar persentase pekerjaan tambah kurang, besar dampak variation order terhadap nilai kontrak dan waktu pelaksanaan dengan dengan melakukan wawancara dengan narasumber yaitu staff terkait PT Korra Antarbuana selaku Konsultan Quantity Surveyor pada proyek tersebut serta bantuan aplikasi Microsoft Excel. Berdasarkan hasil analisis yang telah dilakukan faktor penyebab variation order yaitu penambahan pekerjaan, pengurangan pekerjaan, administrasi serta perubahan desain dengan persentase terbesar yaitu 48,276%. Dampak dari variation order tersebut yaitu dikeluarkannya adendum surat perintah kerja. Adendum tersebut terjadi dengan dikeluarkannya pekerjaan tambah kurang dengan persentasi lingkup struktur 56%, arsitektur 12% dan MEP 32%. Dampak yang terjadi yaitu waktu pelaksanaan bertambah hingga 226,667%, dengan diikuti penurunan nilai kontrak sebesar 7,77% dengan pekerjaan struktur turun sebesar 9,88% dan pekerjaan arsitektur naik sebesar 2,53%. Kata kunci: Variation Order, Penyebab Variation Order, Dampak Variation Order terhadap Biaya dan Waktu
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